Matthew Williams (No mist)

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I'm Matt, and I'm the son of Hades. At least, that's what I tell everyone, and now I'm so popular. Everyone treats me like I'm really cool, except that weird Nico kid. He scowls whenever I relay my adventure where I defeated ten snake people by just summoning skeletons to do my bidding, and he left when I told everyone how I killed a titan with no help. 

One day, I told everyone how I trekked through Tartarus alone. Biggest. Mistake. Of. My. Life. Nico looked like he was going to blow up the school, and the two most popular kids, Annabeth and Percy cowered in awe. (They actually cowered remembering time in Tartarus.) At lunch Nico, Percy, Annabeth sat wit me. (N=Nico P=Percy A=Annabeth M=Matthew.)

P=So tell me about Tartarus.

A= Yeah it had to be terrifying.

N= Yeah whatever tell us.

M= The ground was like... uh... mud and the sky was rarely blue, it was always storming. There were uh... dinosaurs and uh... these zombies and... the trees had red leaves and I had to drink disgusting muddy water and eat random roots that I found. 

The Percy and Annabeth began to laugh. Nico smiled. 

P= You make Tartarus sound pleasant.

M= It wasn't pleasant, I had to work so hard and fight a lot. Not that you'd know. You're a mortal, I'm a son of Hades.

N= *sly smile* Really?

M= you better believe it

N= Well, I don't.

P= I don't believe either.

A= Me neither. You're lying.

M= No I'm not.

A= Then prove it.

M= Fine!


Everyone gathered around me and waited for me to do something. I had screwed up. I stood up and prayed that I was a son of Hades without knowing it. Then I concentrated on the ground. I waited and waited. Nothing happened. Someone shoved me. It was Nico. 

"Let me show you how it's done." He closed his eyes and suddenly bones-human bones- were popping up around him. Everyone screamed and scrambled back. Percy was casually spinning a ball of water on his finger like a basketball. Annabeth didn't really seem to do anything, but her eyes were sharp so we could all see that she was a demigod too. 

Nico told everyone how he went searching for the doors of death and fell into Tartarus. He told everyone how Tartarus really was and how he escaped, with no help. Then Annabeth told us how she had outwitted a giant spider and gotten a statue no one could save in centuries. Than she told us how she fell into Tartarus and Percy had too. She told everyone how she had survived with Percy as her only motivation to go on. After they told us how they had escaped, my story of climbing a giant cliff out of Tartarus sounded far-fetched and pathetic. 

Hundreds of accusing eyes turned on me. Percy, Annabeth and Nico marched out of the cafeteria leaving me to the mercy of the crowd.

I think I lost braincells writing this kid. Well, hopefully you liked it! Vote and follow if you did, and be sure to point out any mistakes! It's much appreciated, and thank you for reading!

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