Dorothy Michael

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I was the most glorious girl at Goode High, and that was a fact. All the boys swooned when I came close, and girls were always jealous. I mean, who wouldn't be? I'm amazing. A bunch of boys probably would have asked me out, but they know they aren't good enough. Only one boy is good enough. 

Percy Jackson. 

With side swept jet black hair and sea green eyes, he was totally my type. I decided to ask him to be my date to the dance that was happening tomorrow. I waited by his locker. When he arrived, I stepped up to him. "Hey, Percy." I purred. He gave me an awkward smile. "Can I... use my locker, please?" "Sure, babe." I mused. I stepped out of his way. He frowned. "Why did you call me babe?" he asked. So clueless. "'Cause, you're my babe." I reply. "Uh, I have a girlfriend." he says. "Sure you do." I say, drawing out the "u" in sure.  "Anyways, pick me up at 7. Bye!"

The next day, I put on a blue dress almost as gorgeous as me. I curled my auburn hair(*cough*dyed*cough*) and went to a tanning salon so I could look amazing (read: like a pumpkin). Then I waited for my boyfriend Percy to pick me up. I wait- and wait- and do a little more waiting, but he doesn't show up. I have to drive to the dance-alone-in a gross SUV. Can you imagine? I think about how I'll chew Jackson out for forgetting me, but I see him and all my anger melts away. He is wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a rose tucked into the pocket. For me, no doubt. He's talking on a really futuristic phone. I'll make him give it to me when we're together. I listen to the conversation.

"It started are always on time to things,, no, it's not your fault.... you're on your way?.... great, see you soon....yeah bye." said Percy. I slide up to him and take his hand. "You owe me a dance because you forget to pick me up." I say, pulling him to the dance floor. He lets go. "No thanks, I'm waiting for someone." he replies. I frown. "Why would you need anyone else? You've already got me- your date." I remind him. He doubles over and laughs a cute, irresistible laugh. "You're not my date!" he crows. I was so mad that he'd even joked about that! "That's not funny, babe! We love each other!" I cry. The door flies open.

I turn to the door and gasped. She had honey colored curls pulled into a pony tail with a blue rubber band. Her knee length, sparkling gray skirt fluttered around her legs. Her eyes were sharp, the color of clouds during a thunderstorm. I was shocked! Why didn't I look like that? Percy saw her and ran in her direction. "Wise girl!" he cried. At the same time, she ran towards him. "Seaweed brain!" she shouted. They met in the middle with a tight hug. I was about to go tell the dumb blonde to back off when she pulled away and wrapped her hands around my boyfriend's neck. Then she kissed him. I marched right up to her and pulled her off him.  At last Percy looked over to me. "Dorothy, this is Annabeth. My girlfriend." I turned and fled. I went home in my gross SUV and cried myself to sleep. The next day at school, I learned that Annabeth had become prom queen and Percy prom king. Prom queen should have been me! 

I hate Percabeth. But I have a plan to get Percy back.

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