Episode 8: The Balcony

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With nowhere to go, Chizuru Ichinose took a couple of steps back and wasn't exactly sure on how to react to a situation like this one.

The Kaori girl was still on top of you, and her hand had been sneakily traveling under your shirt and very slowly making its way up, but you hadn't caught up to it since you were busy thinking about what to do now. Once you felt a tickling sensation near your chest, you grabbed whatever it was that was there and gave it a tight squeeze, accidentally hurting the blonde in the process.

Kaori: "Ow, ow! What the—!"

Y/N: "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

You stood up, completely ignoring Kaori as she held her hurt hand and was pushed aside when you moved. You walked past the slightly open door and saw Chizuru standing there, just trying to forget what she had seen.

Y/N: "Listen, I—"

Chizuru: "It's alright, it's not a big deal. Let's not make the same mistake we did last time. We're friends, right?"

Y/N: "Totally. It's just, she caught me a bit off guard, and with you watching—"

Chizuru: "I shouldn't have been watching, it's none of my business. I'm glad you two are together though..."

Y/N: "W-We're not—"

Chizuru: "Sorry for interrupting."

Not knowing where to go now or being able to remember what she was going to tell you, Chizuru just walked back into her apartment, closing the door and locking it really quickly. Embarrassment was just the tip of the iceberg of emotions that Chizuru had crashed into.

Chizuru: "I'm so stupid!"

Chizuru wished she would have left when she had the chance, but there was nothing she could do now. Just talking it out like adults should be sufficient, but she'll wait for the girl to leave.

But she didn't know Kaori would try, once again, to finish what she started.

Kaori: "Hey Y/N—?"

Y/N: "Why did you do that?"

Kaori: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Y/N: "You kissed me!"

It's been a while since you had raised your voice that much, and Kaori was taken aback by it as well. Chizuru, who was sitting right by the door, heard it too, and decided to stay there to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Kaori: "I know, it's just that it—it kinda just happened, you know? Heat of the moment. You were making me feel better and I just—"

Y/N: "No, you don't get it! You DON'T get it!"

It was happening again. Relax. You weren't ready to go back to your old self, after years of practice and staying as far away from trouble as possible, you weren't going to let it all go to waste over something that, now that you thought about it, sounded like something a child would think was a big deal.

Y/N: "That was the first time I ever kissed anyone..."

There were still remains of lipstick on your mouth, and it tasted a bit like strawberry. Kaori looked away, now feeling as if she finally knew what she was dealing with, and for a brief moment, she smiled.

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