Episode 6: Love = War

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"So... you wanna go first?"

Sitting on a bench near the hospital building, you and Chizuru were waiting for something to be said, anything, after feeling so determined to finally have a conversation to clear things up.

How hard was it to actually deal with a situation like this one?

Things would only get more complicated from here, but right now, the focus is on these two college students as they look away from one another, trying to distract themselves so they're not just sitting there awkwardly and stupidly.

It was getting late too, but that doesn't really change anything. The area was quiet, the nearby lamppost was emitting a faint light that provided a strange sense of comfort at first sight, the stars up in the sky were slowly becoming visible to the human eye, and with all of these factors, it all became much more serene, and suddenly, your mind cleared up to you. Unwanted thoughts had gone and you were ready to finally say something, and there was a girl right there waiting for you to clear things up with her.

Y/N: "How do I start? Let's see... You live next to me, so that was surprising."

Your leg was bouncing up and down and your hands felt cold as you clasped them together and kept on talking.

Y/N: "We could've said hi, then go along and spend the rest of the day not knowing each other. But I screwed things up and accidentally got you to become my friend through a deal that, if you think about it, doesn't really make sense if I don't got anyone to tell. Shit, I only got two friends after all."

For this part, Chizuru had turned her head slightly to look at you, and her hands which were resting on the bench gripped on the edge of the wooden seat with a bit of force. It wasn't anger or fear, it was anxiety.

What were you going to say next?

Y/N: "I'm pretty sure those guys wouldn't care, they're too stupid to even remember what happened the day before. So this is when I say..."


"That's literally all you gotta do!"

"All I gotta do?"

"Yes, that's what I said!"

After smacking the table in the middle of the room with an insane amount of force, Ruka had spoken up and told you the answer that would apparently solve your dilemma.

Ruka: "Just talk to her! It shouldn't be that hard."

Y/N: "Easy for you to say. You're like... different."

Ruka: "I'll try and take that as a compliment."

Ruka really hoped things would go well for you. But the one thing that didn't sit right with her was that she would look for you only for advice, and nothing else. No phone calls to ask how she was or if you wanted to hang out. Ruka shouldn't be feeling that way, but she did.

The mysterious and conflicted feelings of a teenager were always a surprise, and Ruka's were no different. Was it wrong to feel that way? Who knows.

But Ruka knew she had to make a move now, or she might lose the one person she was somewhat close to...


Rental No More - Chizuru Ichinose [Mizuhara] X Reader (Kanojo, Okarishimasu)Where stories live. Discover now