"Why didn't you drop further math?"

"Trust me, that's one of the dumbest decisions I've ever made. It's over sabi that was worrying me" I sighed.

"If you want, I can teach you oh" she said.

"That would help a lot oh. God bless you" I said.

"But we have to do it in my house because I don't have my textbooks in school," she said.

"No problem, text me the address and I will be there before you can finish the alphabet," I said then put a spoon of rice into my mouth.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Titi.

She eyed me and turned to her food. " Do I look like their guardian to you?" She snapped at me.Wetin dey work this one. I eyed her back and turned to Stephanie.

"Steph, do you know where they are?" I asked.

"Emeka is with the coach, while Vivian and Jason are likely doing rubbish in the class" she replied.

Iyama, see somebody's child as if that's what they are sent to school for.

Wait oh, Emeka is with coach? How come. We don't have practice on Tuesdays.

"Why is Emeka with coach?" I asked.

"He said he has a competition tomorrow" Daniel replied.

First of all that is odd, Daniel rarely talks.

Secondly, I need to run.

I completely forgot about the competition we have tomorrow against Royal City college, and our team is not even ready at all. The Royal City college track team are one of our strongest competitors, ecspecially when it comes to sports and our school cannot afford to lose.

I immediately fly up from my sit and bolt out of the cafeteria. When I get to the track I see coach talking to Emeka and Mercy, the captains.

"Good afternoon sir" I greeted him.

"Omolewa, where have you been? Do you know how long we've been looking for you?!" He yelled.

"Sir it's Iwalewa, and I was eating" I replied.

"So your mates that are present here are fools abi?" He asked.

"Sir why are you calling them fools, because they are not as smart as me" I smirked at him, knowing fully well that I'm getting on his nerves.

"You are going to stay behind to do twelve laps as punishment. Now go and warm up, then prepare the junior school runners, when you are done come and race with Mercy and Emeka, I want to know who the fastest is" he said.

Christ! those juniors are impossible to control.


I groaned as I got up to pack up my stuff and go home, we spent the rest of the day training.

Today's training was brutal, after dismissing the juniors, Mercy, Emeka and I raced. Emeka came in first barely gapping me, infact we almost tied if not for the fact that I stumbled on my shoelace we would have tied. Mercy came third, the gap between us wasn't very much but it was reasonable.

As I was about to go and find Vivian so we could leave, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Emeka smiling at me. Well this is awkward.

"You were great out there" he said.

"Thanks, you too. But you know that I would have won if not for my stupid shoelace" I said.

"Who is whining you, nobody can ever beat me. Not if my name is Emeka" he said beating his chest.

I laughed at his remark.

"For your mind" I chuckled.

We stood there for a few seconds in an awkward silence, before he broke it.

"So have you thought about it?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I said toying with him.

I already thought hard about it last night, and I feel like if I have feelings for him I should go ahead.

"Lewa... What do you mean? I really like you and I want us to be official" he groaned.

I laughed at his remark.

"I was just joking with you. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled.

He pulled me into a bear hug and picked me up from the ground, spinning me around.

"Emeka put me down! " I squealed.

He set me down and smiled at me.

"Do you know how happy you made me?" He asked before leaning in for a kiss.



Hello children!! (You have to reply 'yes aunty')

Anyhoo, what did you think of the chapter?

I personally thought it was great, comment what you think.

The Royal City college mentioned in this book is from my besties book B.R.O.K.E.N, so you guys can check it out. Trust me it is bomb.

For this chapter, we are going to try something different. Like a dare. So can you guys type the word 'Scholarship' without looking.

Here's mine.👇🏾😂


Until next week, bye.

Oh and thanks for 3.5k

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