Chapter 43

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Leah POV

I woke up due to the noise of my alarm and read it to see it say it was three in the morning. Not waking up my sleeping daughter that lays beside me, I get ready for my job at the gas station.

Letting a sleepy Jamie know of my departure, he nods his head tiredly before saying goodbye. This is our usual workday, with me waking up at odd hours for my job at the gas station, to getting ready for my bakery job.

Jamie dresses and helps Miracle go to daycare, while he prepares himself for school. It's quite tiring, but at the end of the day it's worth it.

Reaching the gas station, I nod my head at the manager before deciding to sit in the cashier's seat. Drinking my coffee, I try not to fall asleep and look out to see the stars in the dark sky.

I see a few cars zoom past the gas station on the empty roads, surely some teenagers or business men going towards New York.

I look out to see the sun slowly rise and cherish that moment. The best thing from this job is the amazing view of the sun rising, making my day.

Taking that as my cue, I begin to unwrap my packed breakfast, just as a fancy black car stops in the gas station. I see a tall strong built man, with a full beard and long hair tied back messily. Despite the sun only rising now, he wore sunglasses to cover his eyes.

I observed him, feeling intrigued for some reason. He banged his car loudly, as I flinched back before he decided to walk towards the hut.

I heard the doorbell chime, alarming me of his entrance, as I grabbed a metal ruler, trying to protect me of this angry brute.

Keeping the facade of a friendly worker, I nervously smiled and greeted him.

"Good morning, Sir. How may I help you?"

He finally stopped observing the store and looked toward any direction, hearing my voice. His tough posture became a rigid one, as an expression of shock and silence took over him.

"Sir, may I be of assistance? Are you alright?"

Clearing his throat, he dismissed his previous expression and began talking.

"Umm, sorry about that. I seem to have lost my way and was wondering if you can help point towards the direction to the east end of New York City."

"Yes, of course."

Grabbing the map under the counter, I placed it on top for us both to see.

"This is where we are right now."

"I believe your destination is here. Now all you have to do is go straight and take a left on-"

"I got it, thank you."

Without letting me finish, he was about to leave, but didn't take the map. Grabbing his arm on instinct, I retrieved it back when I felt the same sparks from nearly four years ago.

Turning around in surprise, I ignore the thoughts I have, understanding that it's impossible. It can't be Dykan, he's dead. There's no way he survived those monsters.

"Th-the map."

Giving the map to him, I turned around and wiped a line tear at the thought of my deceased husband and more so of the second off hope I had of his survival.

Nodding his head, I heard a mumble of thank you before I saw his retreating figure leave at the gas station and drive off in his car.

"Leah! Your shift is over."

I snap out of my thoughts at my managers words and get into my car and drive towards the bakery. I try not to think of the events that transpired in the gas station, but it seemed impossible.

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