Chapter 11

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Leah POV

The doctor kept his promise to Jamie, and within a week he gladly left the hospital bed and began hooping around and regaining his balance.

Without proper prosthetics or crutches available for his height, Jamie was left with no choice but to hold either my hand or the doctor's whenever he's out of the bed.

In order to go around places, his little body was engulfed by a wheelchair, which needed to be moved around.

At times, he wheels himself around, but the large weight tires him out quickly, so one of his soldier friends helps him out.

Now that all his men know that Jamie and I reside here, they treat us with kindness and respect. Victor, the soldier who manhandled me was punished accordingly. At Least that's what Kihn said.

After saving us from the incident, John quickly befriended with myself and Jamie. He was like an older brother to both of us.

On the other hand, Dylan barely came by or when he did it was often when I was helping out with the camp.

As Dylan's squad provided both Jamie and I with protection and shelter, it was only right that I helped them out too.

At first it started with simple chores such as cleaning and helping the cook. Being alone for so long, I learned a few tricks of living in this country and some first aid.

Gaining my trust, the commanding officers, such as Dylan and John, asked for my help around these places, in order to prevent further more casualties.

Other than talks about war preparations, the camp, or Jamie, Dylan nearly avoided me like the plague.

With Jamie playing with Max, I got quite bored and decided to wander around the camp. Near Dylan's room I heard a loud crash.

Frightened, I immediately entered the room and nothing could have prepared me for the sight I saw.

Wearing some torn out shorts, as sweat glistened down his chiseled face, to his Greek god body, Dylan seemed to stop midway of his little project.

Snapping out of my thoughts, he questioned if everything was ok.

"Leah, Leah. Is everything alright? Why did you barge into here like that?"

"I thought I heard a noise in here. I just thought something happened. I'm sorry, I should go."

Embarrassment engulfed me, realizing he noticed my stare and I quickly rushed out. Before I could open the door, he once again called out for me.

"Aren't you going to check if I'm ok? Investigate the loud noise?"

"You seem ok. More than ok"

I whispered to myself, but it seems as if he heard me, by that sly smirk that projected from his face.

"Well I'm not. See I got a cut."

He pointed to a small cut on his bicep.

My throat suddenly felt dry as I replied,

"I'm sure you can take care of that yourself"

"I can, but as the assistant to the doctor and knowing first aid, isn't it your job to help the injured."

Scoffing I reluctantly agreed. As I approached him and took his arm to inspect it, he smirked victoriously.

"Don't you have a shirt to put on."

"Ah, do my good looks bother you, love"

Ignoring the tingles I felt as he used that term of endearment, I starkly snapped back,

His Warbride *COMPLETE ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora