Chapter 17

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Dylan POV

Today, I'm going to ask Leah to be my girlfriend, but first I should ask her on a date.

That's the chant that's been running through my head since I woke up two hours ago. I want her to know that I take us seriously. It's been almost a week since we first kissed, and we've been attached to the hip since then.

I approached her, as she was sterilizing some medical tools. I called her as she turned around to greet me.

Well here goes nothing I thought as I prepared to say the lines I've been practicing for two hours.

"Leah, meet me at my office at 6 o'clock."

"Why, is everything alright? Are we doing something"

"We're going on our first date."

I cupped her face as I said that. She laid her hand on top of mine.

"I've never been on a date. Should I wear something?"

Pride swelled in me knowing, I'll be the first man to ever take Leah on a date.

"You have nothing to worry about. Just come meet me at my office."

With that I gave her a quick goodbye kiss and went to attend the daily training. I heard her squeak an ok before the door closed.

I soon met with all my men, as John and I lead the training to the troops. Every morning, but John and I go on daily drives around the camp to make sure everything is safe and then we have our own workouts.

"Alright, I want each man to do 5 laps around the camp. Last one to finish will have to help with laundry in their spare time."

This is how we handed out chores, as it seemed reasonable enough. All hundred men soon ran around the building, as John counted their lap, and I timed them.

"You seem in a pretty good mood. What's up with you?"

"I finally asked Leah on a date. I'm not sure how or what, considering our predicament on the war, but I'll have to think of something."

"Well, you don't seem to have much time to think."

"I'm thinking of a picnic dinner before sunset. It will be romantic and safe hopefully."

"Goodluck man."

He patted my shoulder just as Nick, one of the junior officers ran in last.

After training and each man was ordered to do their job, I was finishing up some paperwork in the meantime, when Leah popped her head into the office.

"Come in, love"

I said as I pointed towards my lap, before she got a chance to sit down on the chairs. She slowly descended herself onto me as I chuckled at the crimson colour of her cheeks.


"Hey, is everything alright?"

"I just don't know what to wear for the date. Please just choose a dress"

"You'll look pretty in rags, Leah. Where whatever is comfortable for you."

"Please Dykan. You know what, just choose a finger and I'll pick the dress."

She said, spreading out her fingers in front of me. She probably expected me to point at one, but instead, my mouth descended as I enveloped her index finger into my mouth.

"Stop, Dylan"

Her mouth said no, yet her body said yes. I kissed the pad of her finger as my tongue swirled around it.

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