Chapter 24

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Dylan POV

"Come in everyone, hustle! We only got thirty minutes till the wedding starts"

I pant as I carry the benches outside, with the help of Kennedy.

"Dylan, your the groom. We'll give the final tounches. Just go enjoy your last thirty minutes of being a bachelor and get ready for your wedding."

"I just want everything to be perfect. There's no guarantee that I'll make it alive from this war, so I want this day to be memorable."

"You guys will get over these obstacles. Go on, I'll make sure everything is set."

Looking at the time , I go to my room to take a shower. Despite deciding to get married in the last twenty four hours, Leah still wanted to keep up with sum traditions.

Such as not seeing each other for the whole day to prevent bad luck. It's been nearly eight ours since I've seen my love and I'm borderline going insane, but I know it will be worth it.

Clearly, I didn't come in preparation of meeting the love of my life and getting married, so I only wore my best army outfit to wear. Leah, on the other hand, has spent the day altering her dress the best she could for the wedding.

Everywhere I go, I bring a specific ring along with me. I believe it was my birth mother, but with my memory loss I wasn't sure. Still, I somehow felt a connection with it, and always kept it by my side wherever I went.

Now the ring that probably belonged to my mother, will belong to my wife. I want her to keep something of mine in memory when we will have to separate in six months. Also, she deserves the closest thing to a real wedding.

I was buttoning you my camo jacket when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Hi, Dylan"

I hear the struggles of Jamie as he tries to hold onto the collar of Max, who is barking happily.

"Hey, Mr. Ring Barrier. To what do I owe to honour the visit of my bride's brother?"

I say playfully as I pet Max.

"Leah made a tie for Max and me. We both need help with tying it. I tried to do Max's but he won't stay still and the other men are busy with the wedding preparation so I thought of asking you."

"Alright let me do yours first."

I kneel to reach his height and focus on tying the piece of blue cloth. Leah really did put thought into this wedding. Satisfied with the tie's outcome I attempt to do Max's.

"All right, I'm done with you, but I'll need help with Max."

"Ok, let me hold him."

It was quite comical seeing a little boy trying to hold still a large German shepherd. After nearly spending five straight minutes on putting this ribbon on Max, I nearly gave up.

As a war dog, Max knows when to be alert, but he also knows when to have his fun. Just as we were making progress, Kennedy warned me that it's time for me to be in the alter.

"Is sorry buddy. Guess Max doesn't want to wear a tie."

"It's ok Dylan. I guess someone isn't getting his treat tonight."

He bossily points his finger at Max as I laugh and go toward the altar. I see all the decorations and I've never been more proud of all my men.

I can't believe these army men, who came for battle, prepared a romantic wedding. One of my men is a marriage officiator and was able to officiate our wedding.

"You think she ran away, you know cold feet? I mean she is marrying a brute."

I slap the back of Kennedy's head as he doesn't help calm down my nerves. It's been ten minutes of me waiting at the altar and Leah still hasn't shown up.

"I was joking man, she'll be here."

I let out a breath of relief as I saw her petite shadow, along with John's. Everything around me freezes, as I look at my blushing bride in her gorgeous dress.

It's a white maxi dress with little floral patterns, that she altered to look like a wedding gown. A layer of kohl is worn on her eyes and a layer of lipstick is on her lips.

John hands her over to me, as I take her petite hand, which will be decorated by a ring.


She squeaks nervously as a pink tint covers her cheeks.

"Hey, love"

"Today we have joined together to celebrate the marriage of Dylan Lucas Romano and Leah Simone West."

I zoned out the words he said, as I was captured by those brown loving eyes.


"Huh, sorry."

I heard chuckles from all my men and my love. Her nervousness lifted.

"It's time for your vows."

"The moment I saw you, I knew you are special. Despite being covered in debris, blood, and tears you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I know our journey has a long way to go, and this war is a mere obstacle. I will always love and cherish you, as my wife, my better half, my soul mate, and the love of my life.

"I, Dylan Lucas Romano, take thee, Leah Simone West, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

"Leah, your turn."

Nodding her face with tears threatening to fall down her face she clears her throat begins to say her vows.

"After being alone for so long and carrying so much pain, the moment I met you, I knew I wouldn't have to suffer alone anymore. Whether I escaped this war or not, I felt hope for the first time, knowing I'll be with the man I love. You treated Jamie and I with so much love and care, I don't know how I'll survive without you. I love you so much Dylan. You're my everything.

"I, Leah Simone West, take thee,Dylan Lucas Romano, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

Before the priest could continue, Jamie and an obedient Max walked down the aisle, carrying the ring. I noticed that Max finally had a tie on. This is probably why Leah was late.

I thank them and get the ring, putting it onto the fingers of my wife. It was as if the ring was meant for her, and fit so perfectly.

"I now pronounce thee Dylan Lucas Romano and Leah Simone Romano husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

The moment he said I leaned down and captured her sweet plump lips as she eagerly kissed me back. Our tears were strolling down our check as it got mixed along with our kiss.

We break the kiss off after the hooting of my men and laid our foreheads on top of each other.

"I like the sound of that, Leah Romano. It has a ring to it."

She chuckles at my response as we walk towards the cafeteria, just in time for dinner.

We have a small first dance and cut a cake as we all celebrate.

"Come on Mrs. Romano. I believe it's time for bed."

I carry her in bridal style as we bid our goodbyes and I carry her towards our room.

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