Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16

Start from the beginning

"..I have come to fetch the Advisor?-" Zhou Tong informed Mei-Liang straightened facing him she exclaimed, "..I'm afraid you can't my Master is feeling below the whether today so he's resting for awhile,"

Zhou Tong gawks his expression contorted in to one of panicking worry,"..Is he that sick? Maybe I should call a physician-" Zhou Tong suggested Mei-Liang interjects rejecting his reasonable suggestion she sets aside the basin, "I'm afraid that I would trouble Officer Zhou besides my Master is in good health he just needs to rest,"

"..Then I'll be off," Zhou Tong reluctantly moves forth he notably glanced back before stopping foot from Cheng Bi Yu's courtyard.

It was now night and it seemed Cheng  Bi Yu who was bedridden contracted a strong fever. Mei-Liang had to constantly catch water in a basin as she placed the damped cloth on Cheng Bi Yu's feverish forehead her lips was a dry blue her face was drained of its natural colour her cracked lips quivered all throughout the night as she chatted gibberish nonsense.

It was daybreak Mei-Liang didn't sleep a wink because of nursing the fever ridden Cheng Bi Yu evident dark circles formed under her eyes Mei-Liang straightened stretching her aching back she leans over placing her palm against Cheng Bi Yu's forehead, "..Phew!-" she sighed in relief, "..It's good that the fever has lowered a bit-" she lovingly caressed her cheek before leaving.

Cheng Bi Yu scrunched her forehead she awoke feeling more shittier than the day before her body felt completely sore and uncomfortable her fever hadn't completely abandoned her system. Mei-Liang resides in the kitchen hastily slicing
and dicing vegetables throwing them in the blowing hot pot as she prepared chicken soup.

Mei-Liang returns with the chicken soap resting the small wooden tray down she assists Cheng Bi Yu to sit up, "..Careful-" she had managed to sit up firmly leaning back against her pillow Mei-Liang careful grasped the bowl in her hand bringing the spoon to her lips she lightly blew before she forwarded to spin over to Cheng Bi Yu, "..This should make Miss feel better-" she slowly parts her lips.

"No more!-" Cheng Bi Yu scrunched her nose, "..Too bitter-" she complained the soup was prepared well but all Cheng Bi Yu could taste was bitterness due to her lack of taste she was reluctant to finish the soup but Mei-Liang force fed her, "..Quickly drink up. If you continue moping how are you going to get better hmm?-"

Mei-Liang sets aside the empty bowl, "..See that wasn't so bad-" Cheng Bi Yu frowned wiping the corner of her mouth she slanted her eyes, "...That's easy for you to say at least you can still taste-" Mei-Liang rose grasping the tray in her hands, "..You'll have your taste back in no time meanwhile try not to stress too much-"

Mei-Liang had drawn a warm bath, "..It's ready!-" she came out approaching the bed she carefully wrapped her arm around her waist helping Cheng Bi Yu to her feet the slowly walked over Mei-Liang hands grasped her light robe slipping it off her body she carefully helped her into the tub, "..If you need anything call okay-" Mei-Liang takes the robe leaving.

A solemn knock comes to the door as she was discarding the robe she sled open the door to come face to face with the impressively picturesque court Officer Zhou Tong, "..Is Tang Ying Jie feeling any better?-" he asked.

Mei-Liang exclaims, "..Advisor Tang needs more rest-" she goes to close the door Zhou Tong interrupts gripping the door frame, "...Can I see him?-"

"..I'm afraid you can't Advisor Tang is in no shape for visitors. I'll tell him Officer Zhou dropped by to acquire about his health-" Mei-Liang eyes focused on his callous hand which blocked the door, "..Officer Zhou if you could-" she poked the back of his hand he retracts his hand.

"But-" Zhou Tong is cut mid speech when Mei-Liang sled the door shut in his face, "..I'm gravely sorry Officer Zhou but my Master needs adequate rest you should go. Don't worry I'm taking good care of him. I'll send your regards-"

Zhou Tong's shoulders slumped feeling dejected he leaves once again glancing back as he exited her courtyard.

And then the third day came, "..I brought some herbs that could possibly help," Zhou Tong holds up the pouch with herbs which he had gotten from a nearby herbal medicine shop, "...Thank you Officer Zhou I am quite delighted you care so much for my Master,"

Mei-Liang was more forthcoming this time Zhou Tong attempts to sneakily peek inside but his sly action were quickly noticed by Mei-Liang who blocked his view a faint smile spread across her lips she snatched the herbs from his grasp, "..Thank you again Officer Zhou if you're business here is done it's best you be going now," though he strongly protested the door was still sled shut in his face.

Mei-Liang was grateful for the herbs brought she quickly headed towards the kitchen preparing a tea from the grinded extracts hoping it'll help increase Cheng Bi Yu's pain tolerance, "..What's this?-" she scrunched her nose looking down at the sewer green colored tea, "Grinded herb-" Mei-Liang exclaims, "...To help boost your immune system-" she pushed it to her.

She furrowed her brows. Cheng Bi Yu subtly rejects the tea pushing it away, "..I don't want it-" Mei-Liang frowned, "...Miss don't be stubborn drink don't let my nursing you to health go to waste-"

"Okay I'll drink-" Cheng Bi Yu reluctantly takes the cup she scrunched her nose bringing the strong scented herbal tea to her lips it was bitter as heck but Cheng Bi Yu still drank the medicinal cocktail hoping it'll help lessen her pain.

"..Get it away from me-" Cheng Bi Yu hands Mei-Liang the cup leaning back she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead the medicinal cocktail worked wonders by day four her pain was promisingly lessened.

Zhou Tong who was out spotted a couple and overheard their conversation about sweets a visually pleasing memory flashed in his mind a wide smile spread across his lips as he remembered how cute Tang Ying Jie looked happily devouring those
sugar dumplings an idea came to mind.

As soon as he reached Jiang Court he  headed in the direction of Tang Ying Jie's yard impatiently knocking on the door he's once again greeted by the delightful Mei-Liang, "I've bought these sweet dumplings for the Advisor-" he dangles the clear bag in his hand, "..Here-" he outstretched his palm handing the bag over to her.

Mei-Liang gave a appreciative smile,
"..Once again many thanks to Officer Zhou I can't express my gratitude any further-" she exclaims Zhou Tong shyly laughed, "..It's really not a bother. Make sure Tang Ying Jie eats them I remembered he's quite fond of sweets-"

Mei-Liang beamed, "..The Advisor will be very delighted many thanks-" she excitedly exclaimed Zhou Tong nervously scratched the back of neck,
"-Is there by any chance I could—" Mei-Liang interjects well aware of his predictable words her lips thinned,"-Goodbye Officer Zhou have a nice day," she swiftly closed the door.

Cheng Bi Yu sitting by the window sighed her chin in her palm, "..He's
not giving up is he?—"

Mei-Liang exhaled, "..I'm afraid not Miss he's very determined to see you. I can really feel his sincerity—" Cheng Bi Yu exhaled stating truthfully  "...He's not worried about me he's worried about his Advisor. The longer I'm absent the more pending my duties are—"

Mei-Liang gaze softened, "..You'll be better soon don't sweat the matter," Cheng Bi Yu's gaze dart to the clear plastic bag dangling from Mei-Liang's left hand, "..So are you going to give those to me? Or are you going to wait till they're cold?-" Mei-Liang shakes her head, "...Silly me-" she hands Cheng Bi Yu the bag.

Cheng Bi Yu brought the open bag to her nose a bright smile spread across her lips, "..Oh goodie!-" she lowered the bag retrieving a chocolate drizzled sweet dumpling, "..This is a masterpiece-" she outstretched the bag, "..Want one?-" she asked half of the sweet bun between her lips, "...You go ahead-" Mei-Liang kindly rejected a faint smile plastered on her lips.

Meanwhile over at Zheng Yong courtyard Zhou Tong voices his concerns he dramatically exclaimed,
"..It's been four days and he still hasn't gotten better and what's worse  Mei-Liang creates excuses on the spot. I think something suspicious is going on!—"

Zheng Yong stroking his last words sets aside his brush making a thump sound,"...There's no need to fuss wait a few more days he'll be better by then if not we'll get a physician to examine him forcibly if necessary-" he assured neatly folding his letter.

"..Un-" Zhou Tong abruptly leaves disappointed bitterness in his throat Zheng Yong detoured attitude disturbed him deeply, "..I hope you're really okay-" he breath his sights lingered as he passed his Advisor's courtyard.

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