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"Guys, I need backup." Kara said. There must have been at least fifteen guards guarding Mon-El, who was unconscious.

"There are too many of them. As soon as we can, we're on our way." Alex replied. She and J'onn were taking care of the guards in the direction of the command center, so they could stabilize the ship.

It was all happening too fast. Kara was knocking out the guards, but every time she thought she was closer to Mon-El, another raiding party showed up.

J'onn and Alex were still with the command center guards. Alex had been able to get pretty close to the ship's command.

"I'm going to try to lock the doors. It'll make it easier for me to drive this thing without too many distractions." Alex planned. J'onn nodded and covered Alex long enough for her to take command of the ship. He blocked the doors and focused on making sure the landing on the ground was not a crash and would not cause casualties.

As the doors closed, Kara's opponents were greatly reduced, causing the Kryptonian to wipe out the few remaining conscious in minutes.

"Mon-El!" Kara went over to the daxamite, which was beginning to regain consciousness.

"Supergirl." He said in a whisper. He stood up as best he could and hugged Kara. "Darius must be stopped before he hurts anyone." She nodded. The Kryptonian helped Mon-El get up.

"Alex, is there any way to get off the ship?" He asked Alex about the intercom.

"The Daxamites have begun to clear the ship and are surrounding it to win in numbers. The DEO agents were waiting for them outside so it's safe to open the doors now. See you outside." Alex reported. And so they did. They came to the surface, where over a hundred Daxamites were surrounding the ship. Some would have been on Earth before the ship landed, as no signs of struggle were seen.

Mon-El was slowly recovering from his daze and was ready to fight.

The Daxamites had moved into position to attack and most were carrying weapons. The DEO agents were waiting in the rear until they were given the order to attack.

"According to the drone cameras, there don't seem to be any more of them there." Winn reported.

"Then it'll be over soon." J'onn said. The four of them went out in opposite directions. The Daxamites responded. And even though they carried weapons, they wouldn't need them.

Suddenly there were sirens. About twenty police cars and some vans appeared on the esplanade and went out to help the team and that's when J'onn gave the order to attack. The police were left out of the hand-to-hand battle because they could not win in such a battle due to the great strength of the Daxamites. But lead was their most lethal weapon against them. So they started shooting.

It seemed that everything was under control and almost all the Daxamites had been defeated but they did not think of Darius' plan.

Suddenly, the leader of that whole conflict pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Kara. She didn't realize all this because she was fighting three daxamites. Alex saw him and saw his intentions so he took his gun and pointed it at Darius. It all happened so fast. Two guns lit up, one drew a blue beam and the other a green beam, but both of them did damage.

Darius fell to the ground, dead. Alex aimed straight for the heart.

"KARA!" Alex turned suddenly and stopped looking at Darius' inert body. Among all the noise on that esplanade, Alex Danvers only heard that cry of Mon-El. Suddenly the battle seemed to be over. The Daxamite leader had fallen. But so did their leader.

They ran into the DEO. Mon-El carried Kara in his arms while Alex ran to the small operating room. The daxamite carefully left the Kryptonian down on the table.

"Mon-El, you better get out there." Alex ordered him.

"I need to stay. I..."

"Mon-El. Let's let Alex work." Winn came out of nowhere but got the daxamite to leave the OR

"What did they shoot her with?" He asked J'onn as soon as he got out.

"I'm afraid it was a Kryptonite gun."

"How is that possible?" Winn said.

"Daxam and Krypton were neighboring planets. When Krypton exploded, Kryptonite particles probably got into Daxam and someone would weaponize it." Explained Mon-El.

They've been waiting for hours to hear from Alex. She wouldn't let them in, because they'd probably get in the way of the operation. They could see through the glass how it was going and the truth is Kara had lost a lot of blood. They were providing her with sunlight to try and make her heal sooner, but if she had been shot with Kryptonite, she would be twice as hard to heal.

"How's she doing?" Mon-El asked right after Alex came out

"She was very lucky that Darius wasn't an expert shooter because it didn't reach her heart and if that had happened we wouldn't be here right now." Alex explained. "The lightning struck her through an artery, which is what caused her to lose so much blood, but thanks to the sunlight and the fact that we intervened quickly we were able to fix it quite quickly." Mon-El looked through the glass to see how she was doing. "Right now she is in an induced coma, it's the best thing we can do now to get her back on her feet as soon as possible." Those present nodded.

Hours passed and still no progress at all. Everyone was waiting for Kara to wake up. Lena arrived at the DEO with Ethan. He had stayed with her as she was the only one not involved in the battle with the Daxamites. And speaking of them; when Darius was shot down it was easier for the DEO agents and the police. The remaining Daxamites surrendered and were captured.

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