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"I think I have something." Said Winn while he stood up so fast from his seat.

"Have you found her?" Asked Alex, hopeful for a moment.

"No, I don't know how to find Maggie yet, but I think we can manipulate the bomb instructions."

"But Max is a scientist. If he sees something strange he will know it's a trap." Commented Kara.

"I thought about that, too." I've read the instructions, including the necessary pieces for its construction. All the pieces can be built by Maxwell. Except one.

"And we can get this piece before him?" Asked Mon-El.

"Better. We can modify it to make the bomb harmless. At least not nuclear. "

"Where's that piece?" Asked Alex.

"It's only made in one place. And it's in National City. Do you think Lena can give it to you?"

"Is it made in L-Corp?" Asked Kara. Winn nodded. "I'm on my way." Kara turned around and walk until the DEO balcony. She didn't know how to tell Lena that she needed a piece for the construction of a nuclear bomb without telling her the real use of that piece.

"Do you want me to come with you? You seem worried." Said Mon-El behind her.

"I don't know how to ask Lena that without getting her worried." Kara turned around and looked at Mon-El. "If I'm going as Kara Danvers, her reporter friend she will ask me so many questions and I will put her in danger and if I'm going as Supergirl maybe she doesn't give it to me because she doesn't trust her so much for doing that.

"And why don't you tell her that Kara and Supergirl is the same person?" Suggested Mon-El. He was looking at Kara's eyes.

"I don't know. I could put her in danger. Besides, she could hate me so much for hiding her such a secret and she couldn't give me the piece for that reason. I have to go." Kara flew to L-Corp building yet without knowing if it was better to show up as Kara or as Supergirl. She finally decided to show up as Kara and if it was extremely necessary, she would tell Lena the truth.

"Hello Lena." Said Kara as she crossed the door.

"Kara! What do I owe this visit?" She looked at her watch. "It's late. What's wrong?"

"Well, I need your help."

"Tell me. Whatever." Lena stood up and walked to the sofa. Kara joined her.

"I need a piece that's made in L-Corp."

"I'm not following you. Why do you need a piece?"

"For your own safety I can't tell you but lives are in danger." Lena looked at the concerned look of Kara.

"Which piece is it?" Kara showed her a picture of that. "But this piece is used for... For weapons. Kara, whatever it is, you have to tell me."

"It's a problem that Supergirl is trying to handle and she needs that piece." Kara was running out of ideas to avoid Lena from knowing the truth.

"Supergirl. And why hasn't she asked me for that piece?" Now or never, thought Kara. The kryptonian stood up from the sofa and took three steps. Lena was concerned. Kara took a deep breath and started unbuttoning her shirt, showing the S on her suit. She took off her glasses and turned around, slowly, to Lena. The youngest daughter of the Luthor family was just able to open her mouth, surprised. Kara noticed about her look. She was feeling betrayed and Kara knew in that moment that Lena should've known when they first met. "It's you. You've always been." She whispered.

"I know I should've told you sooner but I didn't want to put you in danger."

"What danger, Kara? You were afraid that I would turn evil like Lex with Superman?"

"Of course not! But all the people that know my secret are in danger and I didn't want you to get through the same thing." There was a brief silence until Lena stood up from the sofa and walk until her desk. She opened one of the drawers and inserted a code. She grabbed a piece. Probably the piece Kara needed.

"Take it. Do whatever you want with it." She noticed her cold tone.

"Lena, I don't want things to end like this."

"Take it." Kara took the piece and left L-Corp building knowing that it was better to let Lena think about all what happened and wait a little bit to talk with her.

She arrived at the DEO and it was almost empty.

"You got it?" Asked Alex. Kara gave Winn the piece and he started working on it.

"It was hard to get it but there it is."

"I need a couple hours to modify it." Said Winn and went to one laboratory.

Mon-Ellooked at Kara and he knew she wasn't alright. He knew that Kara had to toldLena the truth and also knew that things didn't end up well. So he didn't thinkit twice and hugged her, to demonstrate her that he was there if she neededsomething. Kara thanked him with a smile, but it wasn't the smile heremembered. 

It was a sad smile.    

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