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"I didn't like this one. It's too big." Mon-El and Winn had already seen seven of the twelve apartments they had on the list. That had been their plan those last five days and they hadn't been lucky yet.

"I didn't like it either." Winn crossed out the apartment of the list. "One more?"

"Is it far?"

"Nope. Just three blocks from here. Not to be mean but you're the one who has superpowers, so don't complain!" Grumbled Winn. Mon-El, grabbed Winn and jumped to the apartment they were about to see. "That's the definition of a tantrum." He joked. "Let me call the seller to see if he can meet us now." Winn called the apartment owner and he told the IT that he was heading there at the moment and he could show them the apartment. They waited until the man arrived.

"Hello, are you the guys who want to take a look to the apartment?" They both nodded. They walked with the man until they got inside the building and they picked the elevator to the top floor. There were three apartments in the floor and the one they were about to see was the last one. The man opened the door and Winn and Mon-El got in. "I'll wait here until you finish. If you have any questions, ask me." The nodded and entered into the loft. The apartment had a small kitchen, open-concept, and a small isle. The next thing they saw was the dinning room and at the end of the room there was the living room with two amazing windows. The apartment had one bathroom and two bedrooms. One of them was small. Mon-El was delighted with everything he saw and he told Winn.

"I like it a lot."

"It's written in your face. I have to admit it's so good. It has the perfect size, not too small, not too big and has everything you want. Even an extra room. Besides, you'll be able to pay the rental with your salary."

"It will work?"

"I think so."

"I don't need to see more apartments. I want this." Assured the daxamite.

"Are you gonna rent it now?"

"Yeah." Winn nodded also convinced that that was the apartment they'd been looking for.

So Mon-El talked with the owner, who agreed with the rental contract. He said that in a couple days he would have the paperwork done and the apartment would be his. Winn and Mon-El left the building smiling.

"Well, it looks like my boy has grown up!" Winn was kidding. "I'm glad you have taken that big step."

"I'm so happy right now. And I want to tell Kara but at the same time I want to surprise her." You could tell that Mon-El was doing little jumps while he was walking. "Speaking of Kara, today I have a party and I don't even have a suit! I completely forgot."

"Little shopping before I go to work?" Proposed Winn. They went to the shopping center and bought the suit for Mon-El. They finished in an hour and went to the DEO. They didn't expect to find Kara.

"Hi guys. Why are you coming together?" Shit. They thought.

"Well, I hadn't bought a suit yet for tonight's party and I asked Winn if he could help me." It wasn't even a lie.

"This time you paid, didn't you?" Mon-El loved the mom Kara side.

"It was just one time and I didn't know that money came from Eve's work! I thought that a credit card was a gift!" Kara tried to hide a smiled, but failed.

"Well, what did I miss?" Asked Winn.

"Nothing. National City is free from criminals." Answered Alex, showing up from a DEO aisle.

"Weird, but better for the world." Commented Winn. They all nodded.

"Well. I have to go and get ready for the party." Said Kara.

"Sure. Pick you up in an hour or so?" Proposed her boyfriend.

"Perfect. I see you guys! Call me if there's an emergency." Alex and Winn nodded and the kryptonian left the building.

"That was close. Huh?" Winn told Mon-El. Alex heard that and she couldn't avoid and asked.

"What are you up to, you two?" Winn and Mon-El shared a look, nervous.

"It's nothing." The daxamite lied. "Silly stuff."

"What are you hiding from Kara?" Alex pointed them with her index finger.

"Oh, no." Whispered Winn, looking at the finger.

"Oh, yeah." Alex kept threating them.

"Okay, I've been helping Mon-El to find an apartment, but he didn't want to tell Kara because he wanted to be a surprise." Confessed Winn. Mon-El looked at him disappointed and Alex stopped pointing them.

"New apartment?"

"Is that strange?" Answered Mon-El. "Would you keep my secret? I wanted to tell her as soon as I had everything ready."

"Ofcourse. The finger thing is just to scare this one." Said pointing again Winn.     

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