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When Mon-El opened his eyes, he saw the other side of the bed empty. He woke up yet he was still tired. He made a quick look to the apartment but Kara wasn't home. He guessed that something bad had happened to National City and Supergirl had to save the day. So he decided to take a shower and get ready to work while Kara was still out. He took a 5 minutes' shower that help him to stay more awake. Then he shaved, because even though he liked his 3 days long beard, it was that, a 3 days long beard, and he couldn't let it grow more.

It was at the moment when he got out the bathroom that Kara showed in the living room, with the Supergirl suit.

"Good morning! I see you've just accomplished with your duty to this city." Said Mon-El while he got closer to her and give her a quick kiss in the lips.

"Good Morning. Yeah, It was only a fire in an apartment building. Thank Rao everything ended well. I didn't want to wake you up so you could rest a little bit more. –She explained.

"I tried to wait for you last night but I fell asleep so fast."

"I saw that. Well you were tired and that's normal." Mon-El nodded. "When I was coming home I stopped to buy the breakfast. Like it's shown in our last statics, I'm not the cooker in the relationship and I didn't want you to cook today, so I bought coffee and doughnuts."

"Wow, it's more that what I was planning to eat today. –Kara put what she bought in the table and changed her clothes and put her glasses on.

When she came back minutes later, Mon-El was was opening the boxes and sitting in his chair. They had breakfast calmly because they had time.

They kissed off in front of Kara's flat as they usually did. The girl of steel had an amount of work that day because of her day off the day before. Mon-El, on the other hand, had an appointment with Winn, inasmuch as the IT guy had to help him deal with a huge decision. They had met in the bar were the daxamite worked as bartender.

"Hi Winn." He turned around to see his alien friend. He stood up and they hugged quickly.

"What's up? What's that thing so important you want to talk with me?" Mon-El didn't tell him anything about that thing and he was very curious to know what was happening to his friend. Mon-El sat down in front of his friend.

"Well, you know that I've been living on Earth for more than a year and I think I'm getting used to its costumes and all that stuff. Besides, Kara has been helping me a lot to fit in the society and she's always there when I nee..."

"Are you gonna ask Kara to marry you?" Winn interrupted him.

"What? No? It's too soon for that! Why? You think I should do it?" Mon-El was still confused about all the marriage thing. He couldn't understand why to show your love for someone, you had to put a ring in its hand. But, on the other hand, and thanks to all those movies and shows he watched about marriage and couples, he saw marriage as something cute and romantic.

"I don't know. But by the way you were talking, it seemed like you were about to do it. I won't be surprised if you do it. You've been together for almost a year and you're so good together. But if it isn't the hand request, why do you want my advice?"

"I almost forgot. Well, the thing I wanted to tell you is that I want to officially stop living on the DEO and find my own apartment."

"Mon-El of Daxam is becoming a big boy." Joked Winn. "Well, I think that's a good idea"

"The thing is that I don't know how to look for an apartment and I don't want to tell Kara because I want it to be a surprise."

"Then you're talking to the perfect guy." Winn look on the phone some apartments that could interest his friend.

They were in that search some time. Winn was searching and Mon-El decided if it was a good one to visit. They made a list of twelve possible candidates.

"Winn, you're the best."

"I'm offended that there's a Mon-El who didn't think that." He joked.

"Thank you. It means a lot." Mon-El held out his hand to him and they shook their hands.

"If you need some help o you want me to join you in your apartment visits, just call me."

"I will." He promised. Winn got out the bar and Mon-El started working.

In Catco, in the meantime, Kara was having a bad day. Snapper was angrier than she was used to see and news didn't stop from coming and they had to cover them all. Kara was working in two articles at the same time and the deadline was that same afternoon. When she wanted to be a reporter she never thought it would be easier, but neither she imagined that it would be so stressful. Her phone rang, and Kara picked it up without looking to the name.

"Hello." –She didn't notice that her tone was a little bit rude.

"Hi Kara." –It was Lena.

"Lena! Sorry for being a bit rude when I first talked."

"Don't worry. So much work?"

"Yeah. But well, why are you calling?"

"L-Corp is planning a huge event to present a new device. So, I thought that maybe my friend and also reporter Kara Danvers would like to join me and get an exclusive."

"If that presentation isn't today, I'm free."

"It's in five days. Oh, and Mike can come too."

"Perfect. I'll tell him. Thanks Lena."

"You're welcome. Bye."


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