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It had been two weeks since Maxwell Lord got the files for the construction of the nuclear bomb. Winn had all the alarms waiting to ring for when Max activated the bomb, but they were still waiting for that moment.

National City crimes decreased exponentially so there wasn't so much work for the Superheroes in the city. Mon-El and Kara took advantage of the quiet situation to spent the weekend as a normal couple. They decided to go to the mall because it's was so hot outside.

"Now that we're here, I'd like to buy some new clothes. Now that I have to fill another half wardrobe I need more clothes." Joked the daxamite.

"If you want to we can go to this store so you can buy all this amount of clothes you need." Kept joking the kryptonian.

They got into a store that was pretty full of people. Mon-El went straight to the shirts department, because it was the kind of clothes he usually wore. Kara, on the other hand, decided to look everything in the store. There were so many couples in the store, as she could see and she was also surprise to see some aliens, too. She smiled proud of that image and was glad that finally human population start to respect the aliens. She was in the T-Shirts department when she saw one that caught her attention. She unconsciously smiled and picked Mon-El's size. She paid without the daxamite seeing her and flew as fast as possible to her apartment to hide her purchase. She flew back to the store and saw Mon-El in the same department where he was minutes before.

"You've been looking this shirt for a while."

"Well, I don't know if I like it or I don't. It's difficult to explain."

"You like it but you don't know if you like it that much for spending you money on it. It's a very human feeling."

"Really?" Kara nodded. "I think I'm getting used to Earth."

"Take it. If you don't buy it now your next feeling will be rage." Mon-El looked at her. "Besides, this color fits you so well."

"Hmm, so you just want to buy this shirt for your own reasons."

"Really, sometimes you have such an occurrence." Kara laughed. Mon-El paid for two shirts and jeans and left the store.

"Stop for an ice cream?"

"Is that even a question?" They were holding hands, with their fingers intertwined. They stopped in the first ice cream shop they saw and ordered two ice creams. Mon-El ordered a chocolate one and Kara a vanilla one. They sat down in one of the free tables, one in front of the other.

"I have something important to tell you." Started talking Mon-El. Kara frowned, confused.

"Sure. What's up?"

"I've found a new job." Kara looked at him, waiting for the full explanation. "In the bar I was so comfortable with everyone and I like being a waiter, but it's always full and sometimes they call me in inappropriate hours to help them out." Kara nodded, remembering all those nights where Mon-El woke up to help in the bar. "And the salary wasn't that good and I didn't use to care about that when I lived in the DEO and my rental was cheap. But with the new apartment and everything, I needed something else so... Let me introduce you to the new chef of your favorite restaurant."

"What?" Kara was surprised, but so happy for the goals Mon-El had being accomplished in the last months. "The one next to Catco?"

"The one and only. The truth is that I was lucky. I sent lots of CV resumes and the only one that called me for an interview was that one. And I passed it." Explained with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you." Kara stood up and got close to Mon-El to hug him. When they were about to separate, she kissed him on the lips. A kiss full of pride and happiness, because that was what she was feeling right now.

After that great news they continued to eat their ice cream on the terrace of the ice cream parlor, while they shared smiles, looks and a trivial conversation.

"It's late." Said the daxamite looking at his watch.

"Yeah. Dinner in my apartment?"

"Sounds great. Oh, and so you can do a tasting of the menu of your favorite restaurant."

"Yeah, cooked by my favorite person." Kara smiled at him and he smiled back.

They were walking, holding each other, Mon-El with his arm resting on the shoulders of the Kryptonian and she with her arm at the daxamita's waist. They arrived to Kara's apartment after a long walk and Mon-El placed the bags in the sofa. Kara went to her bedroom and took the bag with the T-Shirt she bought secretly for Mon-El.

"After the new you told me this seems prepares but I got you something." Mon-El turned around and saw the bag that Kara was holding.


"Well, while you were distracted in the shirts department I had time enough time to buy this, flew here and come back."

"That's why you are Supergirl." They laughed. Kara gave him the bag and Mon-El grabbed her with joy. He saw the T-Shirt and read the quote. He couldn't help but laugh. "You know what's funny? One day I said that when I went to rescue Livewire."

"Really?" Kara laughed. The T-Shirt was blue, as her suit and had the House of El logo, the S, and on the back of the T-Shirt had the quote I'm the other Superman.

Mon-El prepared dinner while Kara set the table. They eat peacefully, while the daxamite explained to Kara his experience in his very first job interview and how exited he was about start working in the restaurant. Kara was listening attentively to her boyfriend's words. She also explained him how was she doing in Catco. She told him that Snapper appreciated her more every day and had a better regard for her judgment. After all, after a year working as a reporter, it was time.

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