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Mon-El saw himself in the small mirror of the DEO bathroom. He was ready for picking up Kara. The truth was that he was so comfortable wearing that suit. Thank God he had Winn as a friend because he was unable to by clothes by himself. He left the DEO with a smile on his face and stopped in a flower shop to buy some flowers for her beautiful date that night. He was near Kara's building two minutes before the meeting hour. He took the elevator until Kara's apartment floor and walk until apartment 4A, hers. Before he got there the sweet old lady who was Kara's next door neighbor stopped him.

"Hi Mike, you look amazing!" It was an old lady who was a widow since her husband passed away when she was still so young. She was always looking after Kara because for her, the girl of steel was like the granddaughter she would never have. The kryptonian was always helping her with the shopping or the cleaning and since Mike spent a lot of time in Kara's apartment, he helped, too. It was comforting to have a familiar figure even without being part of your family.

"Hi Martha, you look as beautiful as usual." He flattered her.

"You are as flattering as always." Said, and Mon-El smiled. "Well, have fun tonight."

"Thanks, and you too." Martha took the elevator and Mon-El knocked at Kara's door. Kara opened in a few seconds.

"Hi." Kara looked at him up to down. "You look so handsome." Mon-El got in and they kissed.

"Well, I had to keep up with my gorgeous girlfriend." Kara wore a blue dress (Coincidentally with the bow tie of Mon-El), waist-tight and ending on the knees. "By the way, did you use your X-ray vision to see the color of my bow tie?"

"What? Of course not!" She lied.

"So yes." They both laugh. "I almost forgot. I got you these." Mon-El gave her the flowers he was hiding behind his back.

"They are beautiful. Thanks." She kissed him and put the flowers in a vase full of water. "Shall we?"

They arrived to the party in less than twenty minutes. The party was located downtown National City. There were so many guests, a hundred they could tell.

Kara didn't see Lena anywhere, so she guessed she must be busy with her speech for the new L-Corp device.

"I'm going to get something to drink." Said Mon-El. Kara nodded and the daxamite went to the table where they were serving drinks.

"Kara!" The kryptonian turned around when she recognized the voice.

"Lena! What a party you have made." The friends hugged.

"It's a great day to celebrate!"

"You got me intrigued. How our lives are gonna change with this device?"

"Kara Danvers making extra hours of work." They both laughed. "Well, this device will help the communication between planets. I didn't want to tell it before the presentation but you have the scoop. We've made some tests, we sent messages to our satellites and it worked."

"Wow, that's not any revolution, that will come out in the history books!" Kara was really exited and happy for the success of her friend.

"Here you have your champagne." Mon-El showed up with his typical smile. "Hey, hello Lena!"

"How are you, Mike?" Mon-El gave Kara her cup and she thanked him with a smile.

"In this party so good. Thanks for inviting me, by the way."

"You're welcome." Someone called the L-Corp CEO. "Well, duty calls. Have fun, guys."

"Good luck!" Said Kara. Lena walk to the scenario and started her speech. People clapped when the youngest Luthor made a demonstration of the device and Kara could see how happy she was of her success.

Kara and Mon-El decided to move next to the food table.

"You know what's my favorite things about parties?" Said Kara while she grabbed two more potstickers. Mon-El asked by nodding, because he had his mouth full of food. "There's no food limit. I mean, they will always give me more food without even asking!"

"You're right, but I think that even though they don't say anything, they realize that we are putting an end to the stocks. So, Kara Danvers, will you honor me with a dance so that the waiter stops looking at us?" Kara laughed and gave her hand to him and walked to the dance floor.

"You know that on Daxam they forced me to take dance classes? As the prince, I had to attend court parties and I was forced to dance."

"It'd have been fun to see you in your first class."

"I was a little bit clumsy, but you have to know that I'm a prodigy in ballroom dancing." Kara laughed. Mon-El, to show her his abilities taught her a dance step very laborious and elegant, which he made perfectly.

"I totally believe you. Besides, I've noticed about your dance skills. It's clear that you've been doing this for years."

"And what about you? You're good, too."

"Well, back on Krypton I used to take classes, but just basic things. I was a kid so they didn't show me the difficult steps."

"The day you show me you have flaws, that day will be the end of the world."

"Well, you have to get ready for the apocalypse because I don't even know how to cook."

"I wouldn't say that you don't know. It's more that you're slower in the learning." Mon-El joked. They remained in silence for a while.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"I've sometimes heard that but I love when you repeat it to me." Kara approached his right ear and Mon-El could feel her breath on his neck.

"I love you." She whispered. The daxamite smiled unconsciously and kissed her.The kiss was slow and passionate, where the only villain they found was the lack of breath.    

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