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"We've found a recording made moments before his death." Alex started it. "They present themselves as Nadi and Sybo and come from a planet called Rann. This little boy is called Et'han and is the son of the couple."

"What were they running from?" Mon-El asked, still with little Et'han in his arms.

"They don't say specifically who but according to the recording, Sybo says they were scientists who developed a very sophisticated device for which they were highly persecuted. Running away was his last option. For Et'han."

The three of them remained silent for a few minutes, reflecting on the misfortune they had at the end, because of this tragic outcome. Et'han would grow up without his parents because of someone who wanted a device to do evil.

"Does he have superpowers?" Kara asked, referring to the little one.

"I don't really know. With what I've been able to investigate from the blood sample it looks like it could fly and heal quickly. But this is quite unpredictable so we'll have to wait for him to grow to know if he has more." Kara nodded.

Mon-El stayed in the living room while Kara and Alex went out to the main room.

"Mon-El is very attentive to Et'han." Alex commented.

"Yes, and Et'han seems to like it." Kara continued, smiling unconsciously. "They understand each other well, as far as I can see."

"Just like you're getting along well with that smile that won't go away." Alex joked. Kara blushed and laughed, too.

"It's just that I find him adorable when he holds him."

"You're not thinking about certain things right now, are you?" Alex asked mischievously.

"No. No. No! It's too early for that." Alex nodded still smiling. Just then they reached the central room, where Winn and J'onn were.

"Do we know anything about the attackers?" Asked Alex.

"At the moment we can only know that the ship they were traveling on was in invisible mode, due to the radar movements of Sybo and Nadi's ship. We're trying to restore the ship's cameras to see if the attacker's faces can be seen." Winn started.

"We also have the team collecting samples and fingerprints that may be useful to us." added J'onn.

Mon-El showed up again, but he came without Et'han.

"He's fallen asleep again." The daxamite explained.

"Go home and rest until we have news. What we do know is that these people are dangerous and don't care about anything so we have to be prepared." J'onn said.

"But wouldn't it be better to stay here in case of an emergency?" Kara refused.

"You stopped a spaceship from crashing into the city this morning. You'd better get your strength back until we find these guys." The Martian insisted.

"What about Et'han?" Mon-El asked. They all looked at him so he went on. "Here at the DEO he may be safe but the agents have more important things to do than taking care of a baby."

"What are you suggesting, Mon-El?"

"Well, I'm just saying that a baby needs all the care in the world and, as wonderful as the DEO is, it's not the best place for a baby either." The daxamite explained. "Couldn't he come with me?" Kara looked at him with her mouth wide open. J'onn thought about it. Alex looked at Kara and Kara looked at Mon-El. Winn was analyzing the whole situation.

"I don't know... Maybe these guys we're looking for will come after him and I don't know if it would be a good idea to take him out of the DEO."

"But I could protect him if someone came after him. And I'd call you right away in case of danger." Mon-El tried to convince him. J'onn kept thinking about it.

"It's okay. But only until we know what to do with him." Mon-El seemed to settle for that answer.

It had been an hour since they had left the DEO and the three of them were in Mon-El's apartment. Kara and Et'han were on the couch, the Kryptonian with the baby in her arms, while Mon-El was preparing something to eat.

"Don't you think we should have talked about this before?"

"Yes, I know." Mon-El stopped cutting the vegetables. "I'm sorry. I was impulsive and I should have consulted you first."

"Don't worry. This is temporary." Kara felt bad about saying it so bluntly when she thought it was very responsible for what he did for Et'han. The little one caught the attention of the Kryptonian with babbling and shaking of his arms.

"I'm listening to you, Et'han." said Kara in a sweet voice. He swung it back and forth, causing the little boy to laugh.

"Have you ever taken care of children before?" Asked Mon-El, who walked over to the sofa.

"Well, when I was 16, I babysat a neighbor's kid. He was a little older than Et'han, though." Mon-El nodded.

"I think he likes you, too. Who doesn't, though, right?" They both smiled and kissed under Et'han's watchful eye. The little boy began to move under Kara's embrace, calling her. The couple stopped kissing and laughed because of Et'han's jealousy.

"Oh for Rao!" said Mon-El. "I've got competition!" Kara laughed. "Let's see what this kid wants." Mon-El took Et'han and began to spin around with him, as he laughed. Suddenly Mon-El noticed a not very good smell coming from Et'han.

"Diapers." Mon-El said, alarmed. "We didn't buy any diapers!"

"Wait. I'll be right back." Kara got up from the sofa and flew out the window quickly. He came back a few minutes later, with a pack of diapers under his arm.

"Sometimes I forget that we have powers and that we can do things a lot faster." Kara laughed and they prepared Mon-El's bed with towels, wipes and diaper change creams.

"Have you ever done it?" The Kryptonian asked him.

"To be honest, I never did. Have you ever...?

"I only did it once, and I don't know if I'll remember..." Kara looked at the daxamite and he looked at her. Suddenly Mon-El smiled and ran to get his cell phone. He was writing something and then he showed it to Kara. "Are we really going to watch a tutorial?"

"The tutorials are very useful! How do you think I learned how the washing machine worked out?"

So they spent the next 5 minutes watching an online tutorial on how to change a diaper. They were lucky Et'han didn't complain about their tardiness. He was a very quiet child, which both adults appreciated." Mon-El would take care of the worst part. Kara would be the assistant.

They didn't talk all the time, just to say <wipes> or <diaper> by the daxamite. It was a long five minutes but at the end the tutorial had been very helpful and they had been able to successfully change Et'han's diaper.

"We're not so bad at it, are we?" Mon-El said as he left the creature in its cradle.

"Well, let's just say that for being the first time we've made it acceptable." They were curled up on the couch for a while, quietly, hugging each other. They may have dozed off a little, because landing a ship and taking care of Et'han was more tiring than they thought."

The window behind them broke, creating a big rumble. Kara and Mon-El jumped up. A pod was shooting at them.

"Take Et'han to the DEO! I'll take care of them." Kara said. Mon-El thought about it for a second but then he grabbed Et'han and took the emergency stairs. He arrived at the DEO in a few minutes.

"Mon-El! What's wrong?" Alex came running when she saw Mon-El entering through the balcony of the DEO.

"They're coming for him. Kara's distracting them."

"We have to help her." The daxamite nodded.

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