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Hey! First of all, I want to apologize for not uploading in all this time but I've been really busy with classes and exams... 

Anyway, I hope you like it!


-6 months later-

"Ethan, please, finish that, or we'll be late for school." Kara said it again, but the little one didn't agree.

"Don't want more." Ethan was a good boy, but very stubborn when he wanted. If he said he didn't want any more cereal, that's a no, period. At least he was already dressed up, so they still would be able to arrive to school without having to literally fly.

"Come on, two more spoonfuls and that's it" Said Mon-El, who was sitting on the other side of the table, in front of Kara. Ethan looked at the cereal bowl and then he looked at his parents, and then he looked at the bowl again. In the end he obeyed and ate the amount he had negotiated with Mon-El.

Kara finished getting ready to go to Catco while the daxamite took Ethan's little backpack. They left Mon-El's apartment and walked the three of them to school, which was about a 15-minute walk away.

Ethan had already begun to develop some powers. He was fast, more than normal for a 3-year-old. And too agile. That's why Winn designed a bracelet that inhibited those powers and made him look like a human child his own age. So they knew for certain that Ethan wouldn't show his powers in public, unconsciously. At the moment he wasn't flying, at the DEO they assumed it was probably still early.

They left Ethan with his teacher, Mariah, who always told them how good the little boy was in class. After a little chat with her, they said goodbye to Ethan until the school door closed.

"Against all odds today is going to give us time to walk to work." Said Mon-El as he looked at the clock.

"Make a wish, this only happens once in a lifetime." The Kryptonian joked. The daxamite laughed and the couple walked away holding hands.

"Shall we meet for lunch?" Mon-El suggested. They were at the door of the restaurant where he worked.

"Of course. I guess you'll go out first so let me know and I'll be right down." Kara replied. They approached to kiss each other softly on the lips as a farewell. Kara separated from the daxamite and as she was about to turn to leave, he grabbed her by the arm, pulling her back and kissed her again.

"This is for when I miss you." Kara smiled at her boyfriend's thoughts, who always found a moment to make her laugh.

"When you get romantic, there's no one who can stand you." She joked.

"Your smile says otherwise so I'll take that as a lie." Kara shook her head.

"Goodbye Romeo." The Kryptonian said goodbye, and before he turned, it was her who kissed him by surprise. "This is for when I miss you." And after saying this she entered Catco's building, leaving Mon-El with a silly smile.

The morning was quiet for both of them. Mon-El left work on time after his shift ended and texted Kara to tell her to come down. Seeing that he wasn't responding, he went up to the floor where she was. There she was found, absorbed in the computer as if it there was something to hypnotize her. As he saw her with so much work, he decided to go down and order the food to take away so that they could eat it on the terrace of Catco. It took him 15 minutes to get everything ready, so he went back up.

To make it a little more comical, he approached her table and tried to imitate a deeper voice.

"I have a big order of poststickers for Miss Danvers." Hearing her name, the Kryptonian looked up from the computer and met Mon-El, covering his face with the bag of food. She looked at the cell phone and that's when she saw the messages from the daxamite.

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