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"Welcome to my new apartment." Kara looked at him a little bit confused and also surprised. She didn't want to giggle, but she was kind of nervous.

"What? When...?"

"Well, I'd been thinking about it for such a long time. I've been here on Earth for a bit more than a year and I was still officially living in the DEO. And even though I love your apartment, it's yours and I want to have one for myself, where you are allowed to come whenever you want to, of course." Kara smiled.

"And have you done all this by yourself?"

"Well, Winn helped me out."

"Oh, that's why you spent so much time together lately." Things started to make sense for Kara.

"Exactly." Mon-El took Kara's hand and entwined their fingers. "Do you want to see it?" Kara nodded and the daxamite showed her his apartment. "And this is the kitchen."

"It came with the dinner almost ready?" Joked Kara when she saw all the food in the worktop.

"Well, I thought that the best way to use this kitchen for the first time is by teaching you to cook."

"So, you want to burn it the first day?"

"In front of the stove you have to be positive. Leave your pessimistic comments elsewhere." Said Mon-El, kidding. Kara got closer to Mon-El and said.

"Yes, chef." And she kissed him quickly. She rolled up her sleeves enough not to stain her shirt and waited for Mon-El to tell her what to do.

"We are going to cook pizza."

"It's funny that you know what's my favorite food even when I've never told you or showed you that."

"No, you barely showed me that pizza is your favorite food in all this time." He continued her joke. "Shall we start?" Mon-El began kneading the dough while Kara was cutting the ingredients. There was a relaxing environment with lots of jokes and laughs.

"See? It's not that difficult!"

"Well, right now seems easy."

"It's what I said before. Optimism. If you don't bring that with you when you cook, I'm sorry but the result won't be the expected."

"You know that however much I cook from now on, are you going to continue being the chef of this relationship?"

"What? Now I'm supposed to be your servant?"

"No, but this apron looks so cute on you and it would be a shame if you don't use it."

"You like them? It was a gift from Winn." Their friend bought two aprons for Mon-El and Kara as a gift for the new apartment. There was a message in each one. In Kara's there was I'm stronger than him with an arrow pointing to Mon-El while in Mon-El's there was But I cook better with an arrow pointing to Kara. Kara's apron was blue and Mon-El's apron was red, as their suits.

"Tomorrow I'll call him to thank him." Kara mentally write that down.

"Well, now we only have to wait." Mon-El said as he shoved the pizza into the oven. "It's the hardest step. You have to be strong enough not to use your heat vision and make the pizza in seconds."

"Sounds tempting." Kara stood up from the chair and walked to the oven. Mon-El put himself between the oven and Kara.

"I wouldn't do that. You have to be patient enough."

"But I'm hungry." Mon-El laughed. Kara could be such a badass when she was Supergirl but she was actually a five-year-old. But he loved that part of her.

He finally convinced her to wait until the pizza was ready by offering her a club soda. PLING. Kara ran to the oven and pull the pizza out carefully.

"You, fast girl!" Said Mon-El while she stood up to help Kara. She laughed and left the pizza in the table as Mon-El was taking the plates and the glasses. He turned on the TV and they started watching some random movie.

They had dinner peacefully, between laughs and love demonstrations. When they finished they walked to the couch and sit there. Mon-El was cuddling Kara and she put her legs his boyfriend's. Everything was perfect until Kara's phone started ringing.

"It's late. You can call back tomorrow." Suggested Mon-El, conscious that Kara would pick up the phone no matter the hour.

"It's Alex." They shared a confused look and Kara picked the phone. "Hi Alex, what's wrong?"

"Maggie. She hasn't come back home. She's not at the precinct and she doesn't answer my calls."

"I'm coming. We will find her." Kara hung up the phone and stood up.

"What happened?" Asked Mon-El as he also stood up.

"It's Maggie. She's not at work nor home and she doesn't answer the phone. I'm going to Alex's apartment."

"Icome with you."    

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