Chapter Eight

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I can't remember the last time I went out on a date. Myself and Walter don't really do date nights, we go to each other's places and fuck; we have the occasional home cooked breakfast or dinner, but that's about it. Now I'm finding myself getting ready to go out to see a vampire film with the detective who was responsible for my husband's death. What do you wear to a date like that, I think to myself? I rummage through all the sections of my wardrobe and find an emerald green wrap blouse that will go with my black trousers and new pointy heels. Half an hour later I'm dressed and ready for Mr Zimmerman, I haven't told Walter about this little rendezvous as of yet. I want to see how it goes first and if Flip buys my act, if he doesn't then I'll have to pull the plug on it and we'll have to come up with a different strategy. I look out of my window and he's just pulled up; I have butterflies in my stomach and I'm filled with anxiety. I need to snap out of this and calm down. If he quizzes me, I'll just put it down to nerves, who knows he'll probably find it endearing. I lock up and go downstairs, he's standing outside his car trying to be all suave with a red rose in his hand. His chivalry is making cringe, I wish I could just run back inside and avoid this whole fake pathetic date night. "Hi," I say simply with a small smile as I strut closer towards him. He hands me the rose, "For you miss," he says proudly. I take it from him and to his surprise toss it into the garbage can behind me. "Thanks, but I'm allergic," I say trying not to laugh as I open the car door and sit down in my seat. He frowns but I can see a small smile escape his lips. I might be letting him take me out to show me a good time but that doesn't mean I'm going to give him an easy ride. "I've got a surprise for you," he says as he looks down at me. "I hate surprises. I beg you to spare me tonight, please." I say feeling slightly nervous, what the fuck is he playing at? He leaves my side, opens the back door of the car and bends down to take something out from the floor. To my amazement it's a cat carrier, "Listen, I know you told me that you thought he belonged to someone else and to leave him be, but after I left you the other night he crossed my path again and I just had to hand him in. Turns out he is a stray and he's looking for a new forever home. I thought you would be the perfect candidate," he beams as he places the carrier on my lap. I look inside at the tiny ginger cat and my heart melts as he looks up at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I've always wanted a pet, but Felix always talked me out if it and said they were too much trouble. As much as I want to curse Flip and make his life a misery tonight I can't say no to this little cutie. "I don't know what to say. Thank you, I'm more than happy to take him," I reply as I step out of the car. "I'm just going to drop him upstairs, I'll be back in a moment."

After I've settled my new cat, whom I've named as Tommy, into my apartment I touch up my lipstick and hurry back down to Flip and we make our way to the cinema.
"I thought I would let you know that I called my mom," I announce as we pull up to a set of traffic lights. "Oh, that's great. See, I told you!" He beams at me. "It was just a phone call, no need to start polishing your award for being Mr Know it All," I say sarcastically. He giggles, "Well, if you spoke to her and she didn't brush you off or hang up on you like you initially thought then I would say I am Mister right." I check out my reflection in the mirror and brush my hair with my fingers, "She's going to keep in contact with me, so I guess that's a start," I reply as I turn on the radio to promptly end the conversation. I don't want to hear his words of wisdom right now, thank God we are watching a film and he will have to stay quiet for at least two hours. It takes us 45 minutes to get to the movie theatre; we park up right outside and I peer out of the window, looking at the poster for the movie that we will be seeing. The Lost Boys it's called, and there are a few hot guys starring in it. So, if all else fails at least I will have some eye candy tonight to see me through this uncomfortable situation. "You ready?" Flip has opened my door and is extending his hand out to me. "Yeah, just look at those vampires. Quite the lookers there, aren't they?" I say cheekily as I breeze out of my seat ignoring his hand gesture and step onto the pavement. "Well, if you want I can bite your neck and turn you to the dark side," he replies as he bites his lip seductively. Holy shit, he is gagging for a shag and he's totally not going to get it. "Nah, I'd rather not get cooties tonight thanks," I say laughing a little too loudly. "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to find another lucky lady around here," he says as he eyes up the queue of people waiting to purchase their tickets. "Be my guest. I'll gladly sit in the back by myself with Mr Sutherland on screen, alone," I respond with a pout. He suddenly leans in towards me. I'm scared he's going to try to kiss me but he doesn't, he brushes a loose strand of hair out of my eyes and skims his finger across my chin. "You're not alone," he replies and walks ahead of me to the queue. We stand there in silence and you could cut the atmosphere with a knife, I need to cut this sarcasm or he will do a runner and I'll be back to square one again. "Listen, I'm sorry for my surliness. It's just been a rough couple of weeks," I say sheepishly. He looks down at me and smiles warmly, "No bother, I understand. I would like to help you if I can, all you have to do is let me in and I'll listen to you." Wow, he really is good with his words, I find myself going along with it. "Thank you, maybe after the film we could go for a drink?" I offer, trying to sound eager. "Yeah, to be honest I was going to ask you the same thing. That would be lovely," he says as he gently taps my shoulder. He buys the tickets for us and we make our way into the cinema to our seats.

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