Chapter Five

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I can't believe I am actually going through with this, I'm in the passenger seat of Flip Zimmermans car and he is driving me to the hospital for me to get checked over after he mowed me down, or should I say when I stepped out onto the road at the exact moment when I knew that he would impact me. As predicted he came to my aid and insisted on taking me to the hospital just to be on the safe side. I tried to play the "I'm fine, it's just a scrape" act but before I knew it he was bundling me into his car and wrapping a blanket around me from his back seat. It's like a pigsty in here, the guy is a lazy fuck. He still looks like the imposter who walked into my house that night under the pretence that he wanted to become a new member of the Klan. God, I wish Felix had hooked him up to that Jew detector test, that would have rumbled his undercover operation straight away, they would have all buried him six feet under. Ron Stallworth my arse! Flip Zimmerman hasn't aged at all in the last ten years, although he looks like he's had a tough day at the office and I'm sure he has being the workaholic detective that he is. Myself and Walter have been following him for months, watching his every move and lying in wait for the right moment for me to explode into his life. I'm starting to get paranoid, has he recognised me? Surely not, as soon as I was released from prison, I used a lot of my inheritance from Felix, the money from his life insurance and got some plastic surgery done. I got into a fight one night at a bar with some slapper who thought I was coming on to her boyfriend, she broke my nose and I had to have rhinoplasty to put it back together again. It was reshaped to make it look a lot smaller than it originally was, I got a facelift to make my face look tighter and smoother, knocking off a couple of years from my actual age, my hair is longer and platinum blonde, I also got braces to straighten my teeth. Safe to say I look nothing like the old Connie, she might as well be dead with her husband. After I healed from all my surgeries I was ready to move to Kansas City with Walter in pursuit of our favourite detective.

"Well, Miss Robinson I'm happy to say that you're absolutely fine and as long as you don't feel any light headedness or dizziness then I would just suggest a cup of tea and an early night," the doctor says as he ticks off a column on his medical sheet. "Thanks doctor, I knew I shouldn't of come here and wasted your time, but this man here was worried about me," I say with a snigger looking over a Flip who still looks gravely concerned. Pretending to be someone else is actually a lot of fun, the gullible Buffalo has no idea who I really am and I enjoyed every second of his discomfort as he watched me get checked over. "It's always worth just coming in for a checkup as you never know, but you're all good to go," he says as he signs his name off on the sheet and walks swiftly out of the cubicle. "I'm so glad that you're ok, I nearly had a heart attack when I hit you," Flip says whilst holding his chest dramatically, is this guy for real? He has no idea what pain is, I think to myself, but don't worry soon you will know what it's like to feel your whole world come crashing down around you. I'm struggling to keep my anger inside, I've come this far and to blow my cover now would be a complete waste. I smile sweetly and turn to face him. "No harm done, I'd best be getting home now. Thank you Flip for bringing me here, hopefully I don't run into you anytime soon," I say jokingly whilst flicking my newly dyed hair behind my shoulders. I wasn't sure if platinum blonde was my colour but as soon as the stylist finished blow drying my hair I knew it was the right choice. Flip is still standing by my side, he is dressed casually in a green and black plaid shirt with denim jeans and black boots, I can see nothing has changed here with his sense of style. "I'm taking you home," he announces as he walks towards the door like it's an order. "No thank you Flip, I'm not going home straight away, I need to pick something up at work," I say as I bypass him to reach for the handle of the door. "That's ok, I can drop you there," he says as he places his hand on mine. I know I'm not going to win this, "Ok then, I'll give you directions once we are in the car," I return his smile with a grin and he opens the door. "May, are you sure you're feeling ok?" He asks again whilst placing his hand on my forehead tentatively checking my temperature, his touch ignites all the resentment and anger inside me. "Please don't touch me, for fucks sake!" I exclaim as I back away like he is a disease. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cross a line. It's just I genuinely thought that I caused more damage to you than I did. I'm just so relieved that you're ok," he says looking concerned and I'm getting irritated with his over attentiveness. "Who are you, my father?" I say almost sarcastically and I see him frown, I quickly recover my blunt remark with a giggle. "I'm kidding, let's go shall we?" I say as I tilt my head to the side. "Sure, here's your purse," he says as he delicately places my bag over my shoulder. We walk out of the hospital in silence. Trying to act like I don't hate this guy with everything that I am is proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be. We walk through the underground parking lot and he strikes up another conversation, "So, what is it that you do? For work I mean," he keeps staring at me and I'm desperately hoping that he doesn't find me attractive. The last thing I want is for him to make a move on me, I'd rather die than let that man touch me. "I'm a singer in a nightclub,"I say simply. Neglecting to tell him the part that I write songs as well on the side in the hope that someone famous will notice them one day and turn them into massive hits. Being in Prison brought out my creative side and I was able to express my feelings in an artistic and constructive way. After I applied for a few jobs I finally found the job singing at the club and I've been there for over six months now. "Wow, that is amazing," Flip replies whilst gleaming at me. Jesus Christ, he's definitely trying to get into my panties this evening trying to be all complimentary and suave. "No it's not. The money is shit and the audience never really acknowledge my presence, it's almost like I don't exist. I love singing though so being able to do a job where I like what I do is a blessing I guess." We reach the car and he opens the door for me and I slide into the passenger seat.

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