Chapter Four

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"You did it again, great job, Flip! That's another dick going right where be belongs behind bars," my supervisor Mitch is slapping me on the back whilst congratulating me with cracking the case on a series of rapes and sexual assaults over the past year. Finally, we found the son of a bitch, a doctor believe it or not, a highly regarded top member of society. A member of the school committee and a dedicated, loving father and husband. A man who hid a disgusting secret from all of these people who adored him, and now they're being left to pick up the pieces that he's left behind. It's those kids of his that I feel sorry for. Imagine having to live with the knowledge that your father is an evil monster who has violated and destroyed the lives of eight different women. To add insult to injury, he didn't just rape these women, he recorded the attacks as well and kept copies in a locker in his garage. I was sent in with my partner Derek to investigate Doctor Jenner after it was brought to our attention that an incident had occurred five years prior when a young fifteen-year-old girl filed a complaint against him that he touched her inappropriately whilst tending to a broken rib that she had sustained during one of her cheerleading practices. No one believed her and with a lack of evidence the complaint was filed, boxed away and forgotten about until now. Thank God he was flagged up and brought to our attention, otherwise we might never of caught him and he would have continued his rampage across the community and destroyed even more lives. It took me all my strength not to throttle the bastard when I arrested him, but that was mainly down to my partner Derek and his intervention with his words of wisdom. He's a real good guy and I'm glad to be working with someone who is smart, tough but has an incredible amount of empathy. I'd definitely rank him up there as one of the best detectives I have ever worked with, although I cannot deny no one will ever compare to my best friend, Ron Stallworth.

"Let's go out for a couple of drinks tonight to celebrate, where's Derek gone?" Mitch asks whilst scanning the room looking for my trusty partner. "D has scarpered, he's got a hot date tonight. This case has knackered me out, I think I'm going to just call it a day and go home. Have a nice weekend," I say as I carelessly toss my belongings into my backpack. "No worries Flip, hows your love life been recently? Anyone new in the picture?" He asks inquisitively, and I'm in no mood to go down that route with him tonight. "Nothing major, a few dates here and there. No one serious, I'm married to my job and finding a woman who will accept that is quite a tricky task, mate," I reply with a snigger. "Flip, you're a good guy and any woman would snap you up if you gave them a chance," Mitch says optimistically. I tab his shoulder and reply, "Thanks boss, I appreciate that. I'll see ya on Monday." With that, I throw my backpack over my shoulder and make my way out of the station, eager to get home, eat the leftovers from last night and watch some crappy TV.

I jump in my car and turn up the radio full blast, California Dreamin starts playing and I find myself humming to the familiar tune of this classic song. I light up a cigarette and inhale deeply. My car is in a right shit state, you would think that I had been squatting in here with all the empty cigarette packets and McDonald's takeaway boxes embedded in the corner on the floor, this is the reason why I'm single, I'm a slob. My conversation with Mitch just now has ignited a longing in me that I have suppressed for ages. I'm forty-two years old and I've never been married, I'm childless and I live in an empty house all by myself with my Alsatian Mikey. In a nutshell, I am a loner. I've spent most of my adult life chasing after criminals, bringing them to justice that I've neglected myself and my needs. My parents must be so disappointed, the only son they have left hasn't reproduced and carried on the family name which they so desperately wanted to see happen. Who knows what is around the corner, but from where I'm standing I'm not exactly a catch, I'm a man who is married to his work and has lived a very lonely existence. Anyway, instead of dwelling on my past and my lack of personal life, I have my house and my dog to look forward to when I get home, there're millions of people out there who are worse off than I am. I'm lucky that I've been given this opportunity to work in Kansas City, even though I miss Colorado like crazy it's nice to have a change of scenery.

As I'm driving through the town, I can see Christmas decorations are being put up in a shop window, it's only the middle of November for fuck sake! Talk about ruining the moment before December. I've never been much of a Christmas person to be honest and this year will be no different, I'll probably be working on a new case , so the family gatherings, presents and the turkey will have to take a back seat as it always does. I've been too wrapped up in my own thoughts that I do not see the woman step out in front of me, before I have time to break she is knocked to the ground in an instant. Holy fucking God, what have I done?! I open my door and fly out of my car; I hope I haven't injured her too badly. "I am so sorry, are you hurt?" I say as I lean down next to her. She's shaking, but from what I can see there is no blood and no visible injuries. "I think I'm ok, I should never have stepped out in front of you. Something distracted me," she mumbles to me as she slowly sits up. She looks into my eyes for the first time and I am struck with how beautiful she is. Her eyes are a beautiful bluely green colour, her hair is platinum blonde, and she's got perfect straight white teeth. I have to snap out of this and think about what I've just done. "Let me take you to the hospital, we need to get you checked over," I stutter as I offer my hand to help her up. She takes it and I slowly lift her to her feet, she's wearing a white shirt dress with black shiny stiletto heels. A woman like this has definitely got a boyfriend at least. Snap out of it Zimmerman what's the matter with you, I think to myself? This is no time for me to start thinking about my dick. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for your help Mr...?" She extends her hand out to me and I shake it, "Zimmerman, Flip Zimmerman and what's your name?" She smiles at me showing off her perfect teeth, making me feel like a little school boy with a crush and replies, "May Robinson, it's nice to meet you Flip."

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