Chapter Twelve

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After a few weeks of dating, Flip suggests that I pack up a few things and stay at his place for a little while. I have no reservations apart from the fact that I know Walter is keeping tabs on me, and I don't want him to suspect anything of me. I could tell Flip the truth, but then as soon as he finds out who I really am and what I've been plotting to do to him, he will never forgive or want to see me ever again. I'll find myself in prison again too, so if it comes to it I might as well let Walter kill me so I won't have to lead this dismal life any longer. I just know that my heart couldn't cope with the look on his face if Flip found out, I know he hated Connie, but he doesn't hate May and even if I'm not meant to stay in his life, I will always want him to remember me this way and not as the bitch who bowed down to everything her husband said. I gather up some basic essentials and clothes for the next few couple of days. I've taken a few days off work and so has Flip so we can spend some more time together. He has been so heavily invested in his new case at work lately, so it's a much needed break for him. I bring Tommy my cat with me, even though Flip has pre-warned me about his Alsatian Mikey and his distaste for anything of a feline nature. Flip's house is exactly how I imagined it to be, wooden furniture everywhere, it's pristine and very manly with his chocolate brown leather couch, and dark painted walls. A delicious citrus scent comes wafting through the living area, it must be from the new candle set I bought him as a thank you for getting me in touch with Ray. Flip tells me that he just recently finished renovating the living room with a new fireplace and partition for a dining area. "If I wasn't a detective, I know for sure that I would have been a carpenter," he says proudly as he drops my bag on the armchair. "You'd of made a good one," I say in response, taking in the crisp new decor. "I'm good at a lot of other things as well," he says as he holds me from behind and his hand crawls towards my crotch area. I turn to face him and he grabs my hair, pulling it back and smothers my mouth with his own. His tongue flicks against mine and I can taste a subtle hint of beer. He takes his free hand and holds my neck in place. God, I want him so badly, more than I've ever wanted any man before in my life. His thick, raven mop of hair has been gelled and neatly combed in place, I have to fight off all my urges not to run my fingers through it. He's also back wearing his signature attire of a red and black buffalo shirt with jeans, it brings back memories of the early days when I first met him in the 70's. We lay on the leather sofa and he reaches down underneath my skirt sliding one finger inside me. "You're so fucking tight, woman," he says as he starts to finger fuck me. He hits all the right areas inside me, he knows exactly what turns me on and I nearly cum as he slides his index finger in as well. I moan so loudly, I don't want him to stop, it feels fucking incredible. "Holy shit, damn, I'm so sorry!" A loud voice from behind makes us both jump and Flip falls to the floor, making us both laugh in the process. I compose myself and twist around to face this person, and I am shocked with whom I see standing in front of me. Ron Stallworth, the man who got me arrested all those years ago. "Fucking hell!" Didn't you think to knock?" Flip exclaims. It's so surreal seeing him again after so long and after everything that's happened. A few weeks ago I would have wanted to throttle him, but now I don't feel anything negative towards him at all. If I could I would thank him, if it wasn't for his investigation, Felix's death and my arrest I wouldn't be standing here today as the woman that I am. "Hello, you must be May. I'm Ron, Flip has told me an awful lot about you," he smiles warmly at me as he shakes my hand. I feel so nervous, "Nice to meet you, I'm afraid Flip hasn't mentioned you as of yet," I respond coyly. He frowns over at Flip who is standing behind me, he is still reeling from Ron bursting in on us as he was feeling me up. "Sorry buddy, it's just been a little crazy around here lately. I thought you were coming tomorrow," Flip says as he gives Ron a hug. "Change of plans, sorry May, but myself and Flip need to have a private conversation. It's just about boring work stuff," he says as he rolls his eyes. "No worries, I'll just make myself scarce," I say as I leave the living room and go into the kitchen. I can hear Ron saying to Flip that he has come early as there are suspicions that there will be an attack at the upcoming rally in town. Thank fuck for that I think to myself, I'm glad that the Klan's plans have been foiled, they saved me the worry of having to contact the cops anonymously to tell them what's going on. I can hear Flip saying that there's not much he can do as it's not in his jurisdiction anymore, but he will oversee it and give Ron a hand behind the scenes. They have to stop it and I know they can, they took down most of us just the two of them. I turn the coffee machine on to make myself look busy and stare out into the back garden. It is filled with trees and many beautiful plants, I had no idea that he was a gardener as well, a man of all different trades. "Hey, I'm sorry about him. I had no idea that he was going to turn up when he did," Flip says as he finds me in the kitchen and wraps his arms around me from behind. "It's ok, I'm surprised you never mentioned him before. Close friend of yours?" I ask. "Yeah, he is one of my best friends I would say. We were partners many years ago on a very sensitive case, I went undercover and we managed to pull it off. However, we got thrown off of it and the case went into archives, I moved out of Colorado and Ron stayed," he says nostalgically. Ron comes in from behind Flip and looks at the freshly brewed coffee, "Is there a cup going for me?" He asks brightly. I pour the first cup and hand it to him. "Thanks May, Flip tells me you are quite the singer. Are you up for singing a song for us this evening?" He asks eagerly. "Of course she is. Remember that guy Ray I was telling you about? Well, he went to see her perform the other week and he loved it. They're going to arrange a meeting sometime soon and the rest will be history. We will both be getting front row seats to packed out arena tours for this lady," Flip says as he puts his arm around me. Ron nods and takes a seat at the table. "Whenever you're ready I'll be here waiting to listen," he says. There is a song that I have in my head that I wrote a few days ago, I suppose there would be no harm in singing it for these two now. "Flip you should sit down as I sing this," I say as he excitedly pulls up a chair beside Ron and steals his mug of coffee in the process. I lean against the worktop and start singing:

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