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Vegito pov:

Dracula: OK you're not hanging out

Vegito: but-

Dracula: N O

Dracula then pushes a brick on the wall that opened the door

Vegito (in head): there's no way this is a hotel


Vegito and Dracula we're walking down the tunnel

Vegito: let me ask you something. is that real about the garlic thing

Dracula: yes I can't have it my throat swells

Vegito: wooden stake to the heart

Dracula: yeah well who wouldn't that kill

Vegito(in head): (kakarot,cell,buu,me,Vegeta,anyone with the sensu been)

Dracula then opens a door to reveal A bed and two bugs (i'm not gonna say it because you already know)

Dracula: i'm sorry I didn't know

Vegito: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dracula: OK this should be the one

The door Opens to reveal the skeleton showering

Skeleton lady:AHHHH what's happening?!?

Vegito: *backs away from the door*

Dracula: i'm terribly sorry I did not mean to-

Skeleton man:What is wrong with you people

Dracula gets hit with something

vegito: this place is hilarious 😆

Dracula: OK I could really use some silence right now


Dracula: *sigh* I hope this is the one

The door open to reveal utter chaos. Murray was using a zombie as a pogo stick.Frankenstein I was just throwing zombies around and Wayne was eating a whole zombie

Dracula:* pushes Vegito where no one can see him*

Frank: drac what have you been doing

Dracula: whispering to Vegito "dont move"

Dracula: Never mind that what have you been doing

Wayne: we wanted to practice our big number for Mavis And then these powdered Losers would not get off the stage

Murray: we wanted to play something like old times we even thought you'd sing along

Dracula: come on you know I don't sing any more not since Martha

Frank: yeah well we just thought you know how much Mavis would love it

Dracula: I said no don't ask me again*ROAR*

With vegito

Mavis: hey

Vegito: hey

Mavis: what are you doing,I thought you were "party planning"

Vegito x hotel Transylvania Where stories live. Discover now