A blast from the past!

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A/n: OK so I'm gonna just change a little bit of the story i'm just going to adjust Vegito's line to see if I can give him more of a character stead of making him dry as fuck like I did with the last 10 chapters

118 years before vegito's arrivel

??? Pov

???: hmm if all went well this should be 100 years from when vegito was brought into this world

Sees a burning house

???: I wonder what that is

Dracula pov

Location: burning house

Martha: honey?

Dracula: martha please go now. Ill take care of this

Martha:*leaves* honey please be safe

Dracula: i can take care of my self you just need to get out

Back of the house

Martha: (please no one be out here)


Martha: please.

One of the people swing an axe

???: HAA

Then Martha sees a sword deflect the Axe

???: I didn't know that people could be Pitiful enough to hit a someone Who is not even attacking back

Martha: w-who are you

Trunks: names trunks. Im also The guy who is going to be the one to Beat all of these Shit excuses for exorcists

Exorcist: What did you say I will vanquish you in the name of God

Trunks: oh you mean jesus. Yea I heard Goku say he was a pretty nice guy and told him where king kai's planet was

Exorcist: nonsense obviously A heretic  like you could never have gotten close to the Lord-

Trunks Flicks him. And Screams at everybody else causing them to lose consciousness... somehow?

Martha: How did y-

Trunks: *grabs her

Martha: Wha-

Trunks teleports to a mountain. And then looks through some sort of box

Trunks: where is it. where is it. Aha found it

Martha: this is all happening too fas-

The capsule so makes us small house

Trunks: I know i am springing this on you but you can't see your husband and daughter

Martha: what why. what do you mean?!

Trunks: because some powdered idiot named Van Helsing. Is trying to Hunt your husband and if he finds out that you exist he will try to hold you hostage or kill you!

Vegito x hotel Transylvania Where stories live. Discover now