When its your bday

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You were finally turning 17! Toby took you to eat waffles and pancakes! He also took you to see a movie. When the movie was done he took you shopping and bought you what ever you wanted. You bought allot of stuff. You bought a hoodie, black means, black combat boots. It was your best bday ever!

Jeff wool you up early for your bday. He gave you cake. He bought you loads of stuff. Jeff told you to pick were you wanted to go and you'd go there. You picked chilis. Chilis gave you free hot chocolate cake on birthdays. Jeff bought you all the food you wanted. At the end of the food you got the mini cake. Then Jeff took you shopping and you bought allot of stuff.

Ben gave you knew games. He also bought you a new game console. What ever one you wanted. Ben played with you all day. Then he took you to eat. You picked pizza. You and Ben ate allot of pizza that day. Then Ben took you shopping. You bought a green hoodie, black skinny jeans, and green vans. Ben bought it all for you. It was the best bday you ever had.

Eyeless Jack
Jack took you to Paris. You thanked him for taking you to Paris. You and Jack saw all of pairs it was beautiful. Then Jack took you to the most expensive restraint in pairs. Jack then took you shopping. You bought allot of stuff. You bought a new bag, new sunglasses, a pink hoodie, black jeans, and black and white converse. You loved pairs and didn't want to leave.

Masky took you to a Cheesecake Factory. Since it was your birthday the workers let you have all the cheesecake you wanted. You got allot of cheesecake. When they had to close the place Masky took you shopping. You bought not many stuff. You bought a new phone case. It was a cheesecake. It even smelled like cheesecake.

Hoodie took you to France. France the city of love. They were couples all around you. You enjoyed being in France. Hoodie took you to the most romantic restaurant in France. He bought you all the food you wanted. Then when you finished eating he took you shopping and bought you flowers.

Alex took you to Paris. You were shocked that he took you to Paris. You thanked him so much. Alex took you to the best restaurant in Paris. There was allot of couples there. He bought you the food you wanted. When you finished eating, Alex took you shopping. You bought a shirt for you both that said 'I'm with stupid' and 'I'm with her' with arrows pointing at each other.

Luke took you to France to celebrate your bday. He took you to the fanciest, most romantic, and most expensive. He bought you the food you'd like. Then when you finished eating he took you shopping. He bought you all the clothe you wanted. You bought, blue vans, black skinny jeans, and a blue long sleeved shirt.

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