A family member dies

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Your parents just told you that your aunts baby just died. You had a hard time getting over this. Toby had to feed you cook for you and buy things for you. You couldn't do anything. Toby tried to make you happy but you wouldn't smile. After a while you started to smile.

You got the news that you cousin died in a car crash. Jeff attended the funeral with you and your family. He took care of you for two weeks. After two weeks you were good.

Your grandpa has just passed away out of diabetics. You loved your grandpa allot. You didn't want to eat. You'd cry every hour. You didn't want to play games. Ben stained with you and conferred you.

Eyeless jack
Your pet kitty got ruined over by a car. That cat was with you since you were 9 years old. That cat was like your child. You'd feed it play with it you'd do everything with it. It was hard to get over you cats death.

You and your causing we're walking around the park. When you didn't see a truck coming. Your cousin saw it. And pushed you out the way. You'd fault your self from the death of him. You'd say,
"If only I saw that fucking truck then he'd be here!"

Your grandma had just died out off heart cancer. You and your family had a hard time. You mostly. She'd take care of you when you were smaller. She was like a mom to you

You 7 year old sister got kidnapped and raped then killed. You were depressed. You loved her and on top of that she was only 7!

Don't hate on this!

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