When he says je te ame

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Toby has been taking French classes. You wondered why he's been doing french. He says "French s romantic". You didn't know how French and France were romantic. To you it was just an other country. So you were in your room reading a fiction book. When Toby came and sat next to you. He kinda read with you. Until he slapped the book out if your hand and threw it out. You were shocked at what he did. You were almost finished with the book. You looked at Toby with a shocked expression. And he smiled. He kissed you and you kissed back. He pulled away,
"Je te ame"
You had no idea what that meant but ashamed it was somewhere around the I love you's. You smiled and kissed him then repeated what he said.

You were half French. And Jeff wanted to learn French. So you taught him so words. He couldn't say most of them but he mastered saying 'Je Te Ame'. He'd use that word a lot. Then you were in your room watching tv. Your favirot show was on. You watched it with Jeff. When out if the blue, Jeff began kissing you. The kissing turned into a make out session. Then he pulled away. And smiled(for ever)
"Je Te Ame"
"Je Te Ame"

Ben loved watching anime. You showed him a anime. Named hetalia (if you never hurried of them then I have no idea where you've been). He ended up loving it. He loved France. You didn't understand why the hell ed Ike France and not Canada! He'd search up France moments on you YouTube. He began to learn some French words. Today he wanted to say something to you in French. He went up to you. He put both his hands on your shoulders.
"Je Te Ame"
You watched hetalia as we'll so you knew what he was saying. You kissed him. It was so beautiful.

Eyeless Jack
You both were taking French class. Wanting to learn a different language. You and Jack had difficulties pronouncing some words. The only word you knew how to say was Ame. Jack learned allot more then you. For you French was just something you wanted to master. For Jack French was special a different and beautiful language. He'd spent allot of time on French. You didn't know that Jack was actually practicing how to say I live you in French. When he mastered it he went up to you. Hooded your hand and tolled you,
"Je Te Ame"
You smiled and hugged him.

You and Masky were watching a French show. And it kept repeating Je Te Ame. Nether you nor Masky new what it meant. Masky assumed it was like I love you or I like you. So he told you it. It was dinner and he made cheesecake. He cut you a slice. You and him ate. It was such a romantic dinner. Then Masky stopped eating and turned to you. He smiled and you smiled. He reached and hooded you hand. He kissed your hand. Then he said.
"Je Te Ame"
It was so romantic of him. He learned it all for you.

You and hoodie were at France. France was beautiful. The city of love. You were happy that he took you there. It was beautiful. He took you out to dinner and shopping. There was more couples then (where you live). You bought loads of clothe. Since in (where you live) didn't have good clothes. You even found couple hoodies. The hoodies said
I'm with this guy❤️ and I'm with this chick❤️.
You and hoodie bought the hood. It was the most cutest thing. You'd wear it. Even though it was a little bit big for you. Hoodie thought it was adorable how you looked on it. Then on your last day in France. You and hoodie went to dinner. He bought you the food you wanted. Then he grabbed your hand. He smiled at you and you smiled back. He then said,
"Je Te Ame"

You didn't know that Alex was French. He was half French. His mom was French. You new that he didn't like French and never wanted to speak French. You kept asking him to speak French. He got annoyed that he left the house and returned at 12. You didn't want that to happen again so you stopped telling him to speak French. You and him were at Olive Garden. He looked into your beautiful (eye color) eyes. You looked into his blue eyes. And he smiled. He kissed your hands. And then he told you something in French.
"Je Te Ame"

Thank you sister for giving me this idea. And thank you AdrianaAlexaArcos shirt. The shirt said Je Te Ame so that's why I wrote this. Thank you for the good sceneario request. Request anything you want. You can request a boy as we'll and/or tell me about one of your guy OC's and I might do him.

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