Chapter Fourty.

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Well, for starters, this chapter is dedicated to all my lovely readers, voters and commenters, for staying with me till this time. You're richly blessed..this is the last chapter of this book and words can't express how happy I am right now. Thanks for sticking with me till the very end and I hope you'll continue to do so on my other books.

Special thanks to:
weflauc_201913, my biggest supporter and Wattpad bestiee 😘

And my other supporters. May you reap all the good things in life.

So now, let's move on with the story.

This chapter's going to be quite long.


The shocking incident that happened on the grounds of Tower of Ivory Schools took everyone by surprise.

It was a life-scaring incident soon spread all over; from walls to walls, persons to persons and cliché to cliché.

It eventually became the talk of the whole school.

Luckily, the term was coming to an end, do this whole thing will die down by the beginning of he next term.

Idara had been receiving treatment, she and Kate where admitted in the Uniuyo Teaching Hospital, a well known institution owned by the government.

Right now, they were both in a coma, struggling for their lives, doctors day they have very slim opportunities to survive.

All everyone could do for them right now is to pray and commit the matter into the hands of God, he was the only one who could save them now.

Luke and Faith had been excused from school immediately after their last papers. Faith packed her sister's things as well as hers.

Ahmed was leaving too. He had a family emergency. The Ibrahims offered their sympathy and words of hope and strength to the Johnsons before leaving, promising to keep them in their prayers.

Chika's case would be taken to court...

Day and night, the Johnsons spent their days in the hospital. Days became weeks and the weeks slowly turned to months.

Kate had been recovering but Idara showed no signs whatsoever.

The doctors had to put her on life support.

A new term had begun. Kate was discharged. She was going to be home-schooled from now on.

The Johnsons were happy that she was out of the hospital. Rejoicing with her parents for God's mercy shown to their daughter, but they knew better than to believe the fake smiles on their faces.

They were  hurting inside and seeing Kate recover made them less weak and somewhat jealous.

They kept saying, “Why wasn't it our daughter, why theirs?”

But they knew better than to question God, he does things in his own time and space.

They just had to wait patiently on him.



Darkness, that's all I saw.

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