Chapter Thirty-One.

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If I ever said I was happy with how Idara was getting close to John that means I'm a very big liar.

I can't stand it and there's nothing I can do. My family won't accept it. Yes, my dad's friends with Mr. Johnson but he'd never agree to me marrying an Ibibio girl, it's not just possible.

I tried by best to keep a happy face while John kept cracking jokes, the guy was funny, I'll give it to him but I'm not just in the mood.

I quickly finished up my food and excused myself. I can't be part of that conversation anymore.

I gave my plate to a junior to help me wash and I started walking to the class block, I really don't feel like going back to the hostel.

“Guy, wait up.”


As much as I'd like to shout at him for following me, I actually appreciate it. I really need someone to let out my pent up feelings to.


“Bro,what's up with you?”

“You're asking me hat as if you don't know.”

It's like something clicked in his head and he remembered.

“I'm sorry bro.”

There's nothing for him to be sorry about.

We got to the block and went up to our class, I sat facing Luke.

“There's nothing to be sorry about, if we weren't meant to happen then we won't and I can see she's more happy with John, there's nothing I can do to change that.”

“See guy, why you they work yourself up? I know my sister, she might like you, you just have to take the first step.”

“Luke believe me, I've tried to do that, but I just can't, something always tells me to stop, and besides I don't think my dad will approve of this and even if he does, my cousins won't.”

“Is this about you or your cousin's, make a choice guy, the ball's in your court, you may do with it as you please.”

“But --”

“No buts Ahmed, either follow your heart or your mind, whichever one and even if your decision doesn't work out in your favour, you'd be glad that you told her, believe me, now come on, I want to crash.”

And there goes my best friend, he's back, one minute he acts like this very serious and mature human being and the next, he's back to being the big baby everyone knows.

I followed him before he would drag me with him.

Third Person's POV
Ahmed and Luke left the class, unknown to them that someone had been watching them and eavesdropping on their conversation.

The person was someone who liked Ahmed a lot...she liked him to the point that she had become obsessed with him and slowly, her obsession for him turned to infatuation.

It was a girl of course.

Very sneaky, a sly human being.

The witch herself. Only she knew what she was capable of.

Only she knew the supernatural powers she had within herself.

The power to control people's dreams and she was going g to use it to her favour, no one was going to steal the love of her life away.

He belonged to her and her alone.

But one thing she failed to understand was that people where humans and not objects that one could own and as so, could slip out of ones reach easier than it was gotten and that was going to happen soon.

Chika Nwafor was a crafty young girl, it was said in her village that she had been possessed with an evil spirit, but of course, rumours were never believed that easily and so her village people always let it fall on deaf ears.

But as she reached the age of ten, these spirits began the job they came for, manifesting in her body.

Truth to be told, she had been sold to the water goddess as a baby, to pay off a debt her late mother, Ngozi owed the goddess.

As pure and innocent as she was, she played with this gift she was told that she had, not knowing it would cause havoc to the community she lived in.

Sent away by her dad to go to a boarding school, at least there she'd learn to interact with people her age who didn't know about this great misfortune that befell her.

Her dad, knowing fully well that his daughter had learnt to control her powers and wouldn't use it on others was happy and content, knowing fully well that his daughter would keep her secret a secret and her given powers hidden.

Not knowing that she had been using what she was given for some other purpose. Oppressing those who couldn't stand up for themselves.p, haunting those who dared to offend her, and using it for so many other useless things.

She was known to have a heart of stone.

Very cold and bitter.

And that was exactly what she made herself to be.

A cold, hard-hearted teenage girl.

So, as I promised I've made another update.

The remaining chapters are going to be hotter than ever.

With Chika's true identity revealed, what do you think she has in store for Idara?

Poor Ahmed, he doesn't even know what's going on.

Who are you guys shipping?

Team Joara? (John and Idara),


Team Ahmara? (Ahmed and Idara).

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. It's highly appreciated.

Till my next update.
Adios amigos ❤❤

Ghosts of the Past ✓ (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora