Chapter Thirteen.

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Those were the words I kept on hearing. People were excited to be back in school, trust is girls na, we'll scatter the dance floor with our crazy dance steps.

I dance ooo, but not as crazy as most people do.

Waking up today was stress for me, I almost didn't want to wake up but then I remembered that today was the first Sunday after resumption and I had already made up my mind that I would not miss it.

I dressed up in a blue dress which had Ankara at the hands in a blue and orange pattern and then used the Ankara as the hairtie. I put on necklaces and then black heels.

Kate did my makeup while I did hers. Emy helped Faith with hers and Faith helped her.

When we all set for chapel we picked up our various phones and went out of the hostel with most of our friends and other girls that were dressed up in various attires to the chapel hall.

Service was about to start and there was no sign of he boys. I was about to text Luke when my phone got snatched from me.

"Who do you want to text now, can't you see service is about to start?"

It was Faith.

"I want to text your elder brother ni, I've not seen him."

"Will you stop worrying, he'll come to chapel when he wants to."

"But ---."

"Which but again, allow him ni, he's in SS3 for God's sake or have you forgotten that not many of them like coming to chapel today?"

"I have not but--."

"You and this your buts, stop okay, he'll come and if at all he doesn't come then you can text him but after service you hear?"

See this one commanding me.

"Of you don't, I'll get your phone and I'll throw it on the ground, I'll make sure the screen cracks." She told me warningly.

Okay, no, I'll not text him, before this madam here will finish the screen of my precious phone. I know she can very well do it.

She gave me phone back to me...just so you know sometimes I think my sister always wants a way to ruin my life, the babe na headache on her own.

I no go lie service was sweet today but that was not want all of us came for. Sha we came for the message and the dancing and for praise and worship but there was one thing hat everyone could not wait for.

You sabi the first Sunday of school na after long holiday, that thing that used to happen after message or before message as the case maybe.

Okay, let me tell you....

When JS1 students, that is those new babies of the school will come out in their numbers and their mighty glory and give testimony, guy I swear, sometimes enn, you fit laugh fall down for chair.

No offense to the lovely JS1 students out there oo, but some of them, you need to tell them what to say, their voices will make you laugh, their dance steps fit bring Dance Revolution down.

I'm not exaggerating, those that have these type of JS1 students in their school will understand.

After the numerous laughing sessions, don't mind me, after he JS1 finished their presentations, the moderator for today's service rounded the service up and after that, ahhh, my brothers and sisters, you suppose know na, dancing.

The praise team played like this enn, people sang, one of my classmates, Oluwasegun, he was playing the drums, I could see his veins popping out, and he was sweating so much, it could full ten litres Jerry can, no be joke.

I was dancing too, hmm, who even wants to miss after church dance, if you do that enn, in fact, you're not a human being.

We dance till dust started to rise and that when everyone decided that it was enough and we started to retreat to the hostel.

You'll see all these ajebutters that will do as if without high heels they can not live. That will be showcasing their seven inches, eight inches stiletto's, they begin to remove it and give it to one junior to carry to their room for them and they'll begin to walk barefoot.

Us ajepakos will just be laughing at them...inwardly oo, nobody wants drama on a hot Sunday afternoon.

Sundays are always tiring for me but once the cooks are done with food enn, I can be the first person in the dinning hall that's like God always favours me on Sunday because that is the day that all my favorite meals will be prepared; fried rice, jollof rice and my all time favorite, fufu and afang soup.

That is what I would call heavenly bliss. The cooks already know me and my love for all these foods, so they keep my own food for me so I don't have to stand in line..

The perks of being a good girl...

I'll just send one junior like that to carry the food for me to my table.

I'll sit down very well and I'll start with my fufu and afang soup, the rice will always be there, no shaking.

My friends already know that when it comes to these three meals I don't joke, so they don't say anything now, they only smile at me.

I noticed that Ahmed didn't come for breakfast and he hasn't come for lunch too, the boys are yet to sit down.


"Little sis?"

"Aren't you people eating in the hall?"



"Ahmed isn't feeling well so we are taking his food to him and we will also eat with him there in the hostel."


We all sent our get well messages to him and the boys left.

I didn't see John anywhere near our table and I wondered if my brother and his friends said anything to scare him.

I left my phone my phone in the hostel because I didn't think I would need it I would just have to chat him up later if something doesn't come up.

And then I remembered something, we had prep today.

Just great...


Yello guys!
Sorry for the late update
Been busy

Hope y'all forgive me...

I'll make sure to post Chapter Fourteen before tomorrow ends.

Still me..

Ghosts of the Past ✓ (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن