Akashi Seijuro x Reader

Start from the beginning


How far did you go?
Did your heart already turn around?
Your heart that was hurt because of me
Did it harden?
What do I do? After all this time
I am regretting that I let you go
I’m not confident that I can change your mind
after making you cry but
Give me one more chance
Come back when you hear this song
Come back when you hear this song
Come back when you hear this song
Wherever you are, whoever you’re with
I’m sorry so come back
I’m regretting so come back
Come back when you hear this song
Wherever you are, whoever you’re with

"Do I have no chance at all, (First Name)? Did your heart harden just like how hard my heart to you was back then? Or is it that you already have another person in your heart? It's okay. As long as you're listening to me, it's okay. As long as you still haven't got married yet, it's alright. I would still try and pursue you. I would still try to soften your heart and make you fall in love with me again, only now you would be the empress, the ruler of my world, and I am your lowly subject. I don't care whoever you are with, or wherever you are, just please hear me out. I'm sorry, (First Name).


Baby stop, come back to me, you know I only have you
I know I did you wrong, you’re right
As soon as you left me, this longing grew
and my emotions rose up
Now I only know you alone,
I don’t know why I didn’t say this for all this time
I’m sorry and I love you

"(First Name), if you ever change your mind, I would just be here in the broadcast room waiting for you. I'll wait no matter how long.. no, rather, I've been waiting for four weeks now, (First Name). Because when you left me, I longed for your presence. I longed for your smile, your care, and your love. I wanted to see your face so much.. to talk to you, that every girl I interacted with, I saw your face on them. I was absent-minded, your name and beautiful face constantly popping up on my mind. I can't understand myself, why didn't I tell you these words before? I'm sorry, and I love you (First Name.) I love you so much, (Last Name) (First Name)."


Come back when you hear this song
Come back when you hear this song
Come back when you hear this song
Wherever you are, whoever you’re with
I’m sorry so come back
I’m regretting so come back
Come back when you hear this song
Wherever you are, whoever you’re with

The door of the broadcast room opened, causing Akashi to froze. He looked behind him, right at the doorway, and there stand a beautiful, crying lady. (Last Name) (First Name).

"(First Name).." Akashi trailed off as he looked at (First Name), asking himself if what he was seeing was the real you or the constant illusion he had been used to.

His questions were answered when (First Name) ran to him and tackled him into a hug. Slowly, Akashi also hugged back, and then he tightened it a little more, scared that you would fade away.

"I forgive you, Akashi-kun. I love you, too. I love you so much." (First Name) muttered as she cried on Akashi's shoulder. Akashi let go from the hug and hold (First Name)'s face, wiping the tears streaming down her beautiful cheeks from her galaxy-like eyes.

Akashi kissed (First Name)'s eyes, then her forehead, and then finally, her lips in which (First Name) gladly kissed back.

"Thank you, (First Name), for listening, for coming, for forgiving me, and for loving me again." Akashi said as he smiled. Finally, his empress was in his arms again.

"It's not 'again' because I never stopped loving you." (First Name) said as she also smiled.

"I will make it up to you. Don't think that you aren't perfect just because you are flawed. Your unique and good qualities are more than enough to cover your imperfections, and that's what makes you perfect. You are perfect for me, no matter what. And I am lucky because I met you, and I love you." Akashi said as he wiped the remaining tears that stained (First Name)'s cheeks.

"I will remember that. I love you, too, Akasー"

"It's Sei, (First Name)."

"Yes, Sei-chan."


Mitsuri: Yay! Finally done, sigh. To whoever you are who requested this part 2, sorry for the long long long wait. Finally, the wait is over! Here it is! Kind of out of character, is he? But anyways, it's so hard to pick a suitable song, haha, finally found one.

Comeback When You Hear This Song by 2pm!

Enjoy reading mitzies! Stay safe and stay healthy and stay happy, I love you all!

Might do a songfic Riko x Male! Reader next time, but it would definitely be a long wait again, haha.

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