Atsushi Murasakibara x You

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Short one shot ahead!!!


Murasakibara's girlfriend, Y/n, came back from a week-vacation on Singapore. She was with her family and when she landed, she thought it would be best to buy her giant boyfriend some chocolates from Singapore.

"Atsushi~! I brought you some chocolates!" You shouted as you barged in the front door of Atsushi's house.

You saw the purple giant lazily climbed down the stairs while yawning, his long hair is a mess.

"Welcome home N/n-chin~" Atsushi greeted you rather lazily as he walks towards you, towering you with his tall body, and leaned to kiss your lips.

You smiled at him as he lead you to the living room, him carrying your baggage as his other arm is resting on your shoulder.

When you both reached the living room, you rummage through your hand-carry, "I bought some chocolates in Singapore which I thought you might like."

"Really N/n-chin~?"

"Yes, of course. I know you would like some souvenirs from Singapore." You answered as you finally found a not-so-large box and gave it to the giant.

You smiled when he opened the box as his purple eyes are glistening with happiness and cravings. He then took out three of the cube-shaped little chocolates and ate it in one go.

A few seconds later his face scrunched up as his mouth opens to spit the chocolates together with a few of his saliva.

"Don't you like it Atsushi?" You asked your giant boyfriend as he childishly glared at you.

"N/n-chin, why is this so spicy~?" He lazily asks as he starts walking towards the kitchen to drink something that will make the spiciness go away.

You chuckled, "oh did I forgot to tell you? It's their limited edition chilli chocolates. From my perspective it's not that spicy but since you actually ate three of them at the same time I'm guessing your tongue is in fire."

You followed the purple giant in the kitchen with the box of chocolates in your hand.

"I hate N/n-chin." Atsushi childishly said.

"Come on, Atsushi. You can eat orange spiced-fish with caramel. Why can't you eat this?" You teased him.

"I'll eat one in exchange of N/n-chin's kiss." He said as he took one and ate it, as he smashed his lips into yours exploring your wet caverns while you taste the spicy chocolate he ate.

"Now, it tastes delicious." The purple giant said and smiled at you.

"I love you, N/n-chin."

"I love you, too, Atsushi."


A/n: Alright, I'm totally freaking out because my habit of short stories is coming back again! Anyways, this happened in real life. My friend, Wren, had a three-day vacation in Singapore and she brought us (me and Jonna [my other friend]) some chilli chocolates that her mom bought from Singapore. And then Jonna's cousin, Daniel, visited us and tasted the cube chocolates but spit it few seconds later because it was too spicy for his liking. I thought it would fit to be a one shot for Atsushi since he likes sweets and here it is! I'm sorry if it's too short. Now, Kagami is the only one left. I already had a one shot idea for him but I don't wanna type it yet since I know it will be short if I type it now. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!

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