GoM + Kagami

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Scenario: It's Tsunderima's birthday and Kise is wrapping the gift he brought for the carrot.

Special guests: Himuro Tatsuya, Kasamatsu Yukio, Momoi Satsuki, Takao Kazunari, Aida Riko and a crossover character, Heine Wittgenstein (Hello my chibi tutor boyfriend)



Akashi: Why are you wrapping Takao into a box, Ryota? -_-b

Takao: Yes, Kise-kun. Why are you wrapping me? Untie me, come on! o(╯□╰)o

Kise: Because it's Midorimacchi's birthday today, Akashicchi! That's why Takaocchi is my gift for him. (*^﹏^*)

Kuroko: Takao-kun will not fit in that box Kise-kun.

Kise: Well, I have no choice. Murasakibaracchi wouldn't fit in here, too, so I had to choose someone smaller than him.

Atsushi: Haah~? *munch* *munch*

Himuro: Why would you want Atsushi to be his present?

Kise: Because I ship them so much↖(^ω^)↗

Aomine: Why is this Bakagami here?!! (~'O'~メ)

Kagami: Kuroko invited me.

Aomine: Why would Tetsu invite someone like you?! (ˋ△ˊ)!!!

Kagami: Because I'm his light, Aho! 😡💢

Mitsuri (Me): *face palm* (~_\\)

Akashi: Shut up, you two! Daiki, Kagami!

Kise: *finally finishes wrapping Takaocchi*

Mitsuri: Alright, gather up everyone! We'll go by buddy-buddy system! Akashi and Kuroko! Bakagami and Ahomine!

Kagami and Aomine: Oi! (-_-!)

Mitsuri: *fangirls about those two* Okay, anyways! Kise and Kasamatsu-senpai! Atsushi and Himuro! Me and Momoi! Anyone who has objection will be punched in the face so you better shut up!


All: Happy birthday Shintaro/Mido-chin/Mido-kun/Midorin/Midorima/Midorima-kun!!!

Kise: *pushes a huge box in front of Midorima*

Midorima: What is this, nanodayo?

Mitsuri: It's a box Tsunderima.

Midorima: I can see that, nanodayo! And don't call me that name! 💢

Kise: It's your gift.


Midorima: What the hell are you doing in there, nanodayo, Takao?! 💢

Takao: Shin-chan! Kise-kun tied me and wrapped me! Help me here, Shin-chan! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

Midorima: =_= What kind of gift is this, nanodayo? *helps Takao untie himself*(--〆)

Takao: *glares at Kise*<(`^´)>〆

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