GoM + Kagami (Short)

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Their contact name on your phone/your contact name on their phone.

Seijūrō Akashi: Aka-chan the shorty

Ryōta Kise: The Childish Model

Shintarō Midorima: Shincarrot Tsunderima

Atsushi Murasakibara: Saki-chan the purple Titan

Daiki Aomine: Perverted Ahomine

Tetsuya Kuroko: Phantom Invisible Man

Taiga Kagami: Titan Bakagami


Seijūrō Akashi: My Empress

Ryōta Kise: (Y/n) my Model

Shintarō Midorima: My Lucky Item

Atsushi Murasakibara: (N/n)-chin my Maiubo

Daiki Aomine: My Horikata Mai-chan

Tetsuya Kuroko: My Light

Taiga Kagami: My own Burger


A/n: Sorry for the random nicknames really. No offense on Daiki and Kagami.

(in Sakurai's voice) Sumimasen, Sumimasen! *vows repetitively*

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Kuroko No Basket One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora