“Okay and where are you now I mean why do I hear traffic because I cannot hear traffic if you are in your cabin?” She asked.

“I just went to optometrist to check my eyes I was having a bad headaches from past two weeks so I thought it might be an increase in the power of my eyes and it is straining so I got it checked and yes indeed my power did increase so I have given an order for a new pair of spectacles and an pair of contact lenses in transparent colour”. I explained.

“Just take care of you and your eyes, Di you are scaring me here”. She said.

“I promise, I will and by the way did you check family group?” I asked.

“No, why and by the way which one mum’s or dad’s side?” She asked.

“Both and I texted to you guys the picture of what I am getting inked and it is a surprise for Tyler so I haven’t told him yet just check it now and how it is?” I said.

“Okay! just a sec”. She said.

After a minute of shuffling and other things I heard her voice again.

“Tia, that is so cute your initials and the date and that heart oh, my God! You guys are hopelessly romantic”. She praised.

I just laughed at her response.

“Oh my, God! Krish you are such a dork and a nerd”. I teased.

“Says the biggest dorkest, dork and nerd and by the way can you convince mum that I can get a tattoo next year please?” She requested.

“Don’t worry! I’ll convince her”. I said.

I heard a high pitched squeal from my phone because my sister was practically sprinting and shouting around her room.

“By the way how come mom gave you a permission for a tattoo?” She asked confused.

Wondering why a no to the tattoo because she is pretty strict about such things until and unless we start earning for ourselves, so you got the idea of what me and my sister are talking.

“Because she said and I quote 'you can do whatever you want, because you earn and you can spoil yourself by the way that tattoo would be a gift from me as your completion of your 12th grade”. I told her.

“Thank you, sis you are the best! You always gift me something or the other”. She said.

“Don’t mention a best deserves only the best by the way I am going to a Taylor Swift concert on 13th December I know I should’ve told you but I was afraid and everything please don’t be mad”. I told her.

“Why would I be mad at you? You deserve that break!” She said and I could practically feel her rolling her eyes at me.

“Stop the eye rolls missy and by the way catch you up later?” I asked.

“Yeah we will talk after you take my test”. She said.

“Okay bye love and miss ya”. I said.

“Bye love and miss you too”. She replied and hung up the call.

I turned towards my best friend she was busy with her phone scrolling through social media when she suddenly spoke.

“What happened to the kid?” she asked.

“Oh! Nothing people who ignored her and like literally back bitched her are now trying to become friends with her and they constantly are blowing up the phone with texts and calls so she got irritated plus my relatives and family saw the pictures in which I was kissing Tyler so my parents shut them savagely and my sister took the video of it and she will send it to me later and that is why she called me up”. I explained.

The Return Of RebelWhere stories live. Discover now