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It takes me around two seconds to contemplate what just happened and then it clicks me that the knife has just fallen down on my toe.

"Oh fuck". I said while sitting down on the floor immediately as I realised the wound was hurting me.

My friend Tess was quick to be on my side she was about to get up to get the first aid kit that they kept in the kitchen cabinet but Tyler was quick to grab it and make me sit a bit more comfortably.

I looked at him while he was busy nursing my wound. That was when I noticed that it was bleeding a bit. He cleaned my wound like the expert he is and put a cotton with some ointment and wrapped a gauze around the wound so it doesn't get infected after he finished he put the kit in its place and stormed out the kitchen.

I just blinked and gaped at the place where he disappeared. I pulled myself up and continued with my work, though I could feel my friend's scrutinizing gaze was burning on me contemplating what was going in my head but fought against it and let me do my work because she knew that even if I am hurt I would complete whatever I am given to do.

We finished cooking in about 20 minutes. Tyler came back to kitchen he opened the refrigerator and took out a water bottle and was about to make his way out before looking at Tressa and saying,"Don't wait for me I have some meeting and I will have my dinner at the restaurant, it would be late when I return".

That is when I noticed he had changed into a different outfit it was business casual white shirt and grey pants with cream coloured loafers and had the same coloured jacket which compliment his 6'0" height and dirty blonde hair and those well built olive skin colour and his warm brown eyes.

That is when I noticed he had changed into a different outfit it was business casual white shirt and grey pants with cream coloured loafers and had the same coloured jacket which compliment his 6'0" height and dirty blonde hair and those well buil...

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After saying this he stormed out of the kitchen without a second glaze. I let out a breath which I didn't knew I was holding it and by this time my heart was beating like I had just finished a 10 miles race.

I just removed my eyes from the place he stormed out which was actually the second time I did in the span of 20 minutes.

"Tess, can I have my dinner in my room I got to call my family now if you are fine with it?" I told her.

"Yeah, anyways I was going to eat my dinner late with Tyler he is out for some work". She told me.

I looked at my phone and it said it was 8:30 pm here in America. That means it was 6 in the morning in India which meant there was only one person who was awake at this time.

I took a small helping of potatoes and pasta and took two bottles of beer from the refrigerator.

I am not a person who drinks often and that too this much alcohol at one go but the thing is today I wanted to drink because I had managed to nurse and push those memories of past with a lock and had pushed it behind in a far corner of my heart and brain both but today everything just flooded back and I couldn't handle them so I needed some strength.

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