How You Met

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How You Met--

Dean: You met him at bar after he had finished a hunt with his brother. He looked tired, and maybe needed someone to talk to. So you leant an ear, and gave some warm words of comfort You wrote your phone number on a napkin, and told him you would be happy to see him again some day, and he was very welcome to call if he needed someone to talk to.

Sam: You were sitting at the library reading up on your little towns local history. While you were reading, a very tall man sat across from you and asked if he could take a quick look at a page from the specific book you were currently reading.

Cas: You were on a vacation with your friends Sam and Dean. A little get away cabin in the back woods of Tennessee that you owned as a safe house, and vacation spot.

You and the boys were swimming in the little pond on the property, when fwoosh! A man in tan trench coat appeared at the waters edge. You were about to ask him why he was trespassing on your property, but Dean spoke up.

"Hey Cas! What's up?"

Adam: You met Adam through Bobby, your uncle. After your parents died on a hunt, you packed your things and took a bus all the way from California to live with Uncle Bobby.

When you got there, a sleek black Chevy Impala outside. When you knocked on the door, Uncle Bobby opened the door and brought you inside.

"Sam, Dean, Adam. My niece, (y/n). Dean she's too young for you, Adam.... Just be nice and I won't kill you,"

Gabriel: Your circumstances for meeting Gabriel was rather unfortunate. You went out with your boyfriend, he thought he was going to get drunk and nail you... But you had other plans. You told him you wanted to break up, and he did exactly what he would have done at home. He beat you. Except now it's in public.... A man with whiskey gold eyes stepped in and punched your ex in the jaw.

Lucifer: You knew hunters, but you didn't hunt, you were like Bobby. Kinda like a stay at home mom for everyone. But. Demons decided you could be useful. So they took you from your house, and took you god knows where. They beat you and tortured you trying to get you to give them information on the nations most wanted hunters. A blonde, lean man appeared in the room.

"You insignificant, useless, waste of existences," he said in a chilly voice. The room was filled with a white light and all the demons were gone. Then man came to you and untied you from your bonds.

Balthazar: Quite simply, he approached you at an art gala. Standing in front of an exquisite painting, an attractive man with a French accent came up beside you.

"It's a lovely piece. But I do believe the sparkle in your eyes make in pale in comparison," he had said.

"That's very kind," you relied. "But I do quite like this painting. Makes me happy.... I pained it myself you know,"

"Did you now? Could I have the name of the artíst?" You laughed at his poking fun.

"(Y/n). And you?"


Gadreel: You had just gotten off of work, and were waking to get back to your apartment. As you crossed the entrance to an ally way, you saw a man keeled over and haunched on the ground. A pool of blood dripping from him underneath. You took a step towards him,

"oh my gosh! Are you okay? What happened?"

The man did not answer, only said the word "help"

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