SEVEN. The Other Schools

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chapter seven.

the other schools🦋✨📘🪄

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the other schools

THERE WASN'T MUCH TO NOTE COMING UP TO THE END OF OCTOBER. Electra kept glaring at Professor Moody at every opportunity, Neville had read most of the book he had been given by the Mad Professor aloud to her when they ended up hanging out by the lake and when she walked past Harry in the hallways he smiled and she smiled right back.

The big thing to note though was the twenty-fifth of September when Iris turned fifteen. Over were the two months of the year that Iris and Electra were the same age. Electra had never worked out which was more bizarre, them being the same age (kind of) or them being different ages. She can try figuring it out again for the next ten months, and then those other two.

Iris's birthday passed without a hitch. She got presents, cards and one card that was passed around for everyone to sign. Luckily it wasn't on a school day this year so Iris did not have to go through the monotonous lessons of the day, not that Iris would have minded or felt the same as Electra. Iris had more of a work ethic than Electra probably could ever have.

But now it was nearing the end of October. And a sign had been put up and the marble staircase in the Entrance Hall. Everyone had swarmed around it meaning Electra couldn't read the sign once they arrived. Luckily Robin was taller than her so he could see the sign.

"Can you see it?" Electra asked Robin.

"Uh-huh," Robin nods, reading it himself.

Electra sighs, "Well, what does it say?"

"Triwizard Tournament," Robin begins reading, "The delegations from Beuxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at six o'clock on Friday thirtieth of October. Lessons will end half an hour early..."

"What lesson do we have last on Friday?" Electra interrupts Robin's brief break in reading aloud.

"History of Magic," Robin answered.

"Thank Merlin," Don't get Electra wrong she would be interested in history if it wasn't for the fact the teacher had managed to bore even himself to death. But he had. So sitting in his lessons made Electra think that a jump of the Astronomy Tower sounded nice.

"You'll be having a shorter nap," Robin joked, nudging her with his elbow.

"I never actually nap," Electra felt the need to correct him and be a pedant about it, "I just think about it," she added before asking him, "Was that all?"

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