FIVE. The Madness of Moody

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chapter five.

the madness of moody🦋✨📘🪄

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the madness of moody

SOMETHING ABOUT MAD-EYE MOODY PUT ELECTRA DEVERAUX IN A STATE OF SOLICITUDE. Admittedly Electra was always anxious. It was something she could always feel tapping at the back of her skull. Sometimes she found it making its way down her spine to settle in her stomach with a huge weight. It was like someone had dropped a hundred-pound weight down her throat and it had settled in her stomach.

Now admittedly the new professor didn't make her feel like the only way to get rid of the weight would be to be sick (which didn't work as she had once tried to be sick over the toilet once when Timothy Gilbert in the year above, who Electra had a massive crush on at the time there was just something about his raven curls, had asked her out as a joke in her third year and then he and his friends had laughed in her face. Luckily she could avoid the Slytherin boy most of the time) she remembers dry heaving over the toilet in the second-floor girl's lavatory, she was also crying at the time so that didn't help. It hadn't worked. Only Iris showing up and the knowledge that Robin had hexed Timothy calmed her down, Moaning Myrtle had not helped at all.

No in fact the presence of Professor Moody did not make the tapping travel down through her body instead it supplied a warning instead. It told her he wasn't to be trusted. And well, sure Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody was a well-respected Auror but Electra listened to the voice at the back of her head more than anyone else. Sure it identifies saying hi as something scary but it also didn't like Professor Quirrell either (but maybe that was because it was her first year and authority is scary, however, it wasn't quite that bad with anyone else, not even Snape). So sometimes it is right.

So as Electra waited in a lesson last year she was excited for, this year she is not. She is concerned and on edge. Robin does not seem to share her worry as they sit in the classroom. So Electra taps her foot with no tune to it, just tapping. It was a nervous and impatient action as they waited for Professor Moody in the classroom, Robin was turned around in his seat and engaged in a conversation with Michael Corner.

Just as Electra had read the title of her copy of  The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection for the hundredth time, the sound of Mad-Eye Moody's distinctive footsteps thudded down the corridor with a clunk and entered the room. All the chatter stopped and all the Ravenclaws turned to look at him.

"You can put those books away," Moody instructed curtly as he made his way to his desk at the front of the room a thud was heard with every step, "There's no need for them," he added and the class glanced around at each other confused by that notion.

After a few seconds, they began to put their books back into their bags. They all wondered what they wouldn't need books for. He began to read the register calling out the names of all the class. Soon he was done placing it down.

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