NINETEEN. The Third Task

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chapter nineteen.

the third task🦋✨📘🪄

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the third task

IT WAS ALMOST OVER. The third task was here. Soon Electra wouldn't have to worry anymore about anyone's safety. Well, any more than she normally does. It's Hogwarts. The castle and grounds are a death trap. It really is a surprise that more people don't die at Hogwarts. But they don't need more ghosts.

Another thing that seemed to be coming to an end. Well more like dying down. Was Electra's crush on Aileen. She had grown sloppy in her avoidance of Aileen and everything that was related to her and Cedric. Electra had spent most of her time since the Yule Ball avoiding the subject as much as she could. Electra had spent a lot of time with Luna (Robin and Winnie were still going strong thanks for asking). Talking to Luna was never boring.

The one time she was sloppy she had been walking through the grounds. Her nose was buried in one of her many Sylvia Plath poetry books that she had read too many times to count at that point. She had almost tripped over a roof of one of the trees just managing to catch herself on the tree itself.

"Fucking hell, Electra," she cursed to herself as she caught herself on the tree. Gripping tightly onto her book to make sure she doesn't drop it. That's when she looks up and sees them.

Aileen and Cedric walking hand in hand throughout the grounds. Electra expected the green acid of jealousy to course through her veins. But it didn't. It wasn't completely gone. But it mostly was. Which was great news to Electra. She could spend more time reading in her bed again maybe. Then it wouldn't be so bad from now on.

The morning of the final task Sue asked a question to the dorm as they finished putting on their uniforms, "So the final task is today," she said as she pulled her hair out of her face into a ponytail, "How are we all feeling?"

"I am excited," Mandy said, plaiting her hair.

"I knew that," Sue responded, jokingly.

"I was telling them," Mandy explained, "You're annoying," she added.

"That much is obvious," Sue shrugged.

"Can't you do your flirting in your own time guys?" Electra commented, tying her left shoelace.

"Why? You jealous, Deveraux?" Sue teased.

Electra responded after finishing tying her left shoe by flipping Sue off.

"Ooo," Sue joked, "Any way you guys?"

"Marietta is sad," Aileen supplied.

"Hey the boys are leaving guys I think it is a completely valid feeling," Marietta defended.

"There are still boys here, Marietta," Mandy said, finishing one of her plaits.

"It won't be the same," Marietta pouts before applying her lip gloss.

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