SEVENTEEN. The Second Task

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chapter seventeen.

the second task🦋✨📘🪄

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the second task

THE SECOND TASK WAS TOMORROW. And Harry had not figured it out. He knew what the task was. But he did not know how exactly he was going to breathe underwater for an hour and not die. And now Hermione and Ron were gone. Harry was here in the library trying to figure it out on his own. He thought he was alone until he heard Electra's voice.

"I'm not gonna do that," Electra argued.

"Why not?" Robin questioned as the sound of their footsteps along with another pair grew closer to where Harry was sat.

"Cause I don't want to," Electra reasoned as the other footsteps came to a stop.

"That's not good enough," Robin defended, "Come on back me up, Neville,"

"I don't think I'm the best person to go to here," the third person speaks, who turns out to be Neville Longbottom.

"Neither's Robin and yet here we are," Electra comments, her footsteps starting again.

"Hey, me and Winnie," Robin begins to defend as he and Neville follow after.

"Winnie and I," Electra interrupts to correct, be pedantic as they reach the edge of the bookshelf Harry was sat in front of.

"Stop that," Robin says annoyed, "You say that all the time," Electra is just smirking at him as they round the corner.

She's quick to notice Harry there, "Hey Harry,"

"Hey," Harry responds.

"Hey," Robin waves.

"Hey Harry," Neville says stepping forward, "Electra was just helping me with my charms homework," he hesitates before adding, "And Robin was too,"

"No, he wasn't," Electra says, "It's okay, Harry knows," she explains, "Robin is attempting to give me unsolicited dating advice," she turns her head to look at Harry leaning on the desk.

"Hey, it's good advice," Robin defends.

Electra turns her head to look back at him, "Well, I do not want it," she turns back to Harry, "You doing some late night reading?" she jerks her head to the pile of books.

"That's not exactly how I would describe it," Harry says, glancing at the pile of books.

"You know if you're interested in plants you'll be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology," Neville says referring to some of the books Harry was surrounded with, "Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity resistant trees,"

"Neville," Harry says a little sharply, "No offence but I really don't care about plants," Neville looks deflated, "Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great but otherwise..."

"I don't know about a turnip," Neville responds, "But you can always use gillyweed,"

"Problem solved," Electra comments, "Is there any of it in Hogwarts?"

"Erm yes, technically," Neville responds, unsure and slightly paler.

"Right, well, all done," Electra nodded, "You can go to bed Harry,"

"I don't have to, we can get it..." Harry attempts.

"No, we will. Go to bed. Big day tomorrow," Electra instructs. Soon Harry's books are away and he's heading off to bed.

"You should know," Neville says, "It's in Professor Snape's office,"

Electra shrugs glancing over at Robin, "Easy," she says.

Robin nods, "Easy," he agrees.


ELECTRA HAD PRACTICALLY CRASHED INTO HARRY THE MORNING OF THE TASK. She had run over to him to put the gillyweed in his hand and tell him to eat it before he entered the water. The night before she and Neville had sneaked into Snape's office as Robin kept watch. Now Electra and Robin hadn't done such a thing before. Maybe Electra was spending too much time around Harry. And Robin was Robin; so he was elated.

Now she waited by the water for him to emerge from the water. Somehow she had been allowed to stand at the judge's table with her dad after walking down with Harry as she had put the gillyweed in his hand on his way down to the lake. So here she was watching.

Fleur came out first but without her hostage. She was scratched all over thanks to some Grindylows attacking her. She was quite torn up over the fact that she didn't manage to save her sister and she refused to let Madame Pomfrey attend to her. Poor Fleur.

Cedric was next with Aileen in tow. He was one minute outside the time limit. They were quickly swept up by Madam Pomfrey to be wrapped tightly in towels and have a potion shoved down their throat which made steam blow out their ears as it warmed them from the inside out. Electra thought that maybe Aileen would notice her standing there. But she didn't. Because Aileen was too busy staring at Cedric. Maybe that meant something.

Now that Electra thought about it she had been too busy thinking about how Harry was going to do to notice Aileen was missing. How terribly unobservant of her. Maybe it was a good sign.

Krum was next. Well, the shark head he had transfigured himself to have was first. Then it was Hermione who he brought back to shore before turning his head back to normal.

That left Harry. Well outside the time limit.

Electra had been impatiently tapping her foot and biting her nails. After what felt like an agonisingly long time of waiting Harry's head burst out of the water. He was met with loud cheers from the crowd as he pulled not one but two hostages from the water. Ron and Fleur's little sister. Electra was quick to cheer with the rest of the crowd. Clapping her hands and whooping loudly.

Electra moves to the edge of the water as Percy rushes in to grab Ron from the water. Electra helps Fleur's sister, Gabrielle, leave the water as Dumbledore and Bagman have grabbed Harry. Fleur is quick to grab her sister once she had broken free of Madame Maxime holding her back from the water.

"Hey," Harry said, his school clothes dripping with water as he stood there.

Electra smiles, trying not to laugh at the dripping boy, "Hey, I knew you could do it,"

"Thanks," Harry thanks her not just for that but for her help. Electra knew.

Madam Pomfrey is quick to whisk Harry over to where all the other champions are being tended to and warmed up. You don't want them getting hypothermia.

Electra stands off to the side as she along with everyone else waits for the results of the competition. Harry glances over at her whilst talking to Hermione and she raises her eyebrows as if to say 'What?' Harry just shakes his head with a smile turning back to where Hermione was talking.

Electra was elated when Harry's score was announced. She agreed he should have gotten full marks but she wasn't a judge. She wasn't surprised that Karkaroff opposed. Not at all. She clapped loudly once again. Smiling at Harry when he caught her eye.

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