"the invisible girl"

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"the invisible girl"🦋✨📘🪄

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"the invisible girl"

ELECTRA FELT INVISIBLE. She almost was. No need for an invisibility cloak. She just walked through the halls of Hogwarts. Completely under the radar, as she passed her way through the hallways. Classes going on day by day just about doing her homework in time.

Her life didn't seem very interesting. Nothing was seemingly that special about it all. Just like the rest of the school, she watched Harry Potter, along with his friends Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, constantly ending up at the centre of schemes and risking their lives in the process.

However, unlike the rest of these people, she didn't have a large group of friends. Or really any at all. She had a few here and there.

Robin, with whom she spent class time and the feasts with and sometimes they, hung out other times.

Luna, she was in the year below, everyone was mean about her. They thought she was strange. But that's what Electra liked about her. She was a breath of fresh air.

There was also Neville from Gryffindor. They sat by the lake and in the grounds together, sometimes talking, but not always. They had become friends when Neville had needed help in the library once. Electra now helped him when she could with his homework. She really appreciated any time she could spend with him. She enjoyed his company.

Despite how great any of these friends were, or all the people she was nice to and shared a dorm with, Aileen Chang was perfectly nice, Mandy Brocklehurst and Sue Li were cool. And Marietta Edgecomb was alright but sometimes annoying. But none of these people could compare to Iris.

Iris Deveraux. Her older sister. Well only by like ten months they were in the same year. Iris was her best friend. Electra thought there was no one better in the world than Iris.

Iris just seemed perfect. She was popular, but not the bitchy kind of popular who made it their mission to make everyone they saw as less than them's life a living hell. Iris was kind to everyone and everything. She made friends easily, she had plenty. Everybody seemed to love Iris Deveraux, the kind and friendly Iris who had a talent for herbology, making Professor Sprout her head of house proud.

To top it all off she wanted to be a healer. Help people the best she could.

The only person who had ever shown any dislike towards Iris Deveraux was Pansy Parkinson. But Iris didn't seem to pay it any mind whatsoever.

She had all the friends she needed. And yet she still chooses to hang out with her sister wherever possible.

They would hang out in the girls' toilets, the library as Electra attempted to get some work done and help Iris as well. They would also hang out in empty corridors and all over the grounds. Sometimes just doing nothing.

Some of Electra's happiest moments were spent with Iris laughing about who knows what, snapping photos of each other. Sometimes Iris would somehow convince Electra to read to her, either something she had written or what she was reading herself.

But Iris wasn't always there so Electra got used to being on her own. Sitting by the lake reading and not doing homework. Because despite popular belief, not all Ravenclaws are smart in that way. Electra was more the creative type. She also argued with the door to the dormitory every time that the answer to the riddle was the answer to the riddle. It had worked so far apart from the few times she had to actually answer the riddle. She wasn't the biggest fan of that.

When she gets home for the summer to their quaint little cottage by the Devon seaside Electra likes it more. Her dad is there with his incredibly Scottish accent, which neither of his daughters had picked up, and raving about Quidditch, especially the logistics of arranging the World Cup. Which they were obviously going to attend. Andrew had put it together. Andrew was probably secretly disappointed neither of his girls was on the Quidditch tea; however, he obviously loved them all the same.

Andrew spent most of the year by himself in the sweet cottage decorated by his wife Clara Deveraux. A muggle florist who had captured Andrew's heart with her smile and joy for life.

She was mystified by the magic of the world Andrew had come from. She had never stopped believing in magic and when she found out it was real she was ecstatic.

Andrew loved Clara and would have done anything even, given up the magic of the Wizarding World to spend forever with the magic of Clara's smile.

He thought no day could be any better than the day she agreed to marry him. And then he thought it couldn't be any better than the day they married as she walked down the aisle towards him, the white dress making her look even more like an angel than normal.

Then there was the day she told him she was pregnant, both times. And then there were the times his beautiful daughters were born. Clara wanted to name them after Greek Goddesses and Andrew was happy to comply. Iris and Electra were beautiful names.

Iris: Goddess of Rainbows
Electra: Goddess of Storm Clouds

However when Iris was nine and Electra eight a tragedy of a muggle variety struck Clara. Cancer. After a long battle, during which Andrew's magic was unable to help with it all. He felt guilty, what is the point of magic if he couldn't help her? But Clara assured him it was not his fault. He couldn't solve everything.

So Clara faded from this realm leaving her daughters with her memory and kind words encouraging them to do nothing short of who they are. So she left them alone.

So every time Andrew saw his daughters he pulled them in tight not wanting to let go. As if he let go they would fade away as Clara had. But he knew that's not what Clara wanted.

After a summer spent at the beach and spending time with their dad. It was time to go to the Quidditch World Cup. Unaware of the darkness that was going to come and ruin it all.

A/N: This story has way to much self insert which I could tell you but that would be over sharing. In case you're wondering her mom being dead isn't the self insert. Clearly Electra has friends but it's hard for her to not see the worse and assume they aren't her friends. Electra definitely has her walls up without realising it.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Warning the first chapter is super long I got really carried away with it. Love Nell xx

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