SIX. Unexpected Conversations

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chapter six.

unexpected conversations🦋✨📘🪄

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unexpected conversations

ELECTRA DEVERAUX WASN'T SURE WHY SHE VOLUNTEERED TO GIVE THE LETTERS TO WISTERIA. It was just so far away. It was moments like this she wished Hogwarts were smart enough to include some muggle technology like a telephone, it would be much easier to argue that way.

As naturally, Andrew had a point to stick to about, well, having fun. Now don't get Electra wrong, she loved fun, who doesn't like fun? But she and her dad have different ideas of what's fun. Andrew Deveraux thinks that games, where there is a very high risk of death, are fun. Electra Deveraux thinks staying awake all night reading is fun or you know watching movies, hanging out with the few friends she does have, and staying awake way too late contemplating everything she's ever done wrong.

Okay, the last one wasn't a thing that she thought was fun but she did it a lot when she couldn't shut her brain up. The only sound filling the room would be the soft snores of Mandy and sometimes Sue said things in her sleep.

Back to the point the night before Electra had written her rebuttal once again insisting on the unsafe nature of this school. Maybe this was a battle not worth fighting but Electra didn't like being wrong. She was stubborn.

So that's why the rubber soles of her trainers were colliding with the stone stairs. Electra wrapped her Ravenclaw robes tighter around herself as the draft from the open windowed room that was the Owlery.

What Electra did not expect when she walked through the door was Harry Potter.
He was standing watching as a snowy white owl flew off into the distance. Electra stood with her mouth agape unsure what to do, she was not prepared for social interaction.

He hadn't noticed her yet. This would be fine if he wasn't standing right next to where Wisteria was perched still sleeping. Just as Electra was about to back away and run back down the stairs and come back later Harry turns around.

Electra and Harry awkwardly stare at each other for a few seconds before Harry says something, "Hey,"

Electra's brain takes a while to catch up, "What?" Electra says he had said but her brain had figured it out yet.

Just as Harry was about to repeat himself, her brain told her what he said, "Oh hey," she finally responds.

"Hey," Harry says again.

Electra nods before also repeating, "Hey,"

"You sending a letter?" Harry asks.

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