TWENTY-TWO. A Hidden House

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chapter twenty-two.

a hidden house🦋✨📘🪄

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a hidden house

IT WAS THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN EIGHTY-ONE. And two of Sirius Black's closest friends were dead. He was the one they placed the blame on. It was believed that he had been instrumental in their downfall. But he wasn't. It was Peter Pettigrew. His friend. Who the world now believed Sirius had killed. And now he was running.

He doesn't know why he apparated onto the driveway on the small cottage which was isolated and by the sea. The one Andrew Deveraux and Clara Deveraux lived in with their baby daughters. But he remembered how kind Clara had been to him at the Order and opening her home to them anytime.

It really shouldn't have been a surprise when the door swung open with Clara on the other side. She had the crossbow she had been using to defend herself for the whole war, she was a muggle at the end of the day, she had even taken a death eater's eye out with an arrow. Right now she had it pointed at him with her youngest daughter Electra strapped to her chest. If Sirius listened closely he could hear the sound of some children's movie and her oldest daughter Iris babbling away in the background. The expression looking back at him was not the normal one Clara had looked at him with. But fierce protectiveness.

"What are you doing here?" Clara questioned, "Cause I doubt you want an arrow to the face,"

"Clara," he said tentatively, "I didn't sell them out," Sirius tries to convince.

"How did he find them then?" Clara demanded.

"I wasn't their secret keeper," Sirius says, Clara looks sceptical, "Peter was,"

"Yeah, blame it on the dead guy," Clara responds.

"He's not dead," Sirius insists.

Clara regards him for a few seconds. "Look me in the eyes and tell me it wasn't you,"

"Clara I didn't betray my best friends," he says, willing her to believe him.

Clara thinks for a few seconds. Her thoughts are interrupted by a happy babble coming from where Electra was clutching her shirt. Clara almost believed him anyway but that felt like a sign that he was telling the truth. She sighs lowering the crossbow, "Well if Electra says so," she's only partly serious, "If you are lying,"

"I'm not," Sirius interrupts.

"If you are lying you will live to regret it," Clara continues pointing at him.

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