TEN. Dragon Discussions

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chapter ten.

dragon discussions🦋✨📘🪄

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dragon discussions

IT WAS TIME FOR HOGSMEADE ONCE AGAIN. Electra had left Robin in Honeydukes. Sure, she liked sweets but there was such a thing as too many. She didn't want to feel like her teeth were gonna fall off. Also, Iris definitely had the sweeter tooth anyway, especially because she was sweeter in other ways. She was meeting her dad in the Three Broomsticks soon anyway. So that's where she went. Throwing a glare in Rita Skeeter's direction along the way.

It clicked in Electra's brain the number of people who were in there once she stepped into the dimly lighted room. It was really no problem to sit in there all alone and read a book right? Right?

She could go and talk to Aileen. But Aileen is surrounded and Electra doesn't want to experience the awkward nature of sitting on the edge of a group feeling left out. She had done that in her first year for a whole two days until she saw if anyone would notice if she walked away. No one did. So she never went back. She could read her book alone anyway. And Robin was there occasionally.

Electra doesn't want to do that again. She makes note that Hermione was also alone. And well if Hermione could do it, she could too. Admittedly Hermione was a Gryffindor, but surely it was fine, it wasn't like anyone would care, it's just like sitting alone anywhere else Electra sits alone.

From beneath his invisibility cloak, Harry had noticed Electra staring around aimlessly with a book clasped in hand, it looked different to the one he remembers her having last. He can't help but mention her being there to Hermione. Hermione takes that as a suggestion to call over Electra.

Electra approaches the table with an unsure "Hey Hermione," and a tighter clutch on her book as she tries to find something to say.

"Come on take a seat," Hermione gestures to the chair opposite her, Electra sits with an awkward expression on her face, "What are you reading?" Hermione asks.

"Erm Emma by Jane Austen," Electra answers, glancing down at the book resting before her even though she already knew the answer.

"I know that book," Hermione responds, a response Electra is not used to when people ask about what she's reading because they have no idea what else to say to her, "You like it?"

"Yeah, quite a lot," Electra nods, "I've read it before, this is my third time," she tucks her hair behind her ear shifting awkwardly in her seat before asking, "Erm what are you doing?"

"Planning S.P.E.W's next steps," she answers.

"Whose?" Electra questions.

"The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare," Hermione responds proudly.

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