"Watch where you're going!" The red headed cheerleader glowered at her, walking right over the girls papers and heading away into the building. She didn't even pay attention that she stepped on the ringleted beauty's fingers.

Yanking her fingers up and shaking them out she stood up and looked fierce and fragile at the same time. Her big brown eyes narrow on the back of her nemesis's head and her small fists clench at her sides. I've had my share of my fingers being stomped on, I know exactly how bad it hurts.

"Oh, because I'm the rude person who walked into you and knocked your stuff out of your hands!" The petite brunette with the gypsy curls and sultry eyes grumbles as she kneels back down to pick up her stuff.

I don't like it when people treat others badly. It's not the way I was brought up. Yes, I can be an arrogant prick but I don't purposely try to be hurtful and rude to people. I was brought up with manners. If I don't use them, I know my grandma Georgia is the first person that will kick my ass and right behind her is my Uncle Blake.

Frowning, I kneel down to help her out. "Hey, sorry about that. You okay?"

"I'm fine. You don't have to help me. I've got it." She doesn't even look up at me until we're both on our feet and then it's like I'm glued to the spot and can't move away from her. It's a straight up punch to my gut.

What the fuck?

She's beautiful. Long dark curls with just a hint of red that roll down her back, big, heavy lidded brown eyes flecked with gold giving them this amazing depth. Her bottom lip is just slightly bigger than the top, giving her a pouty look.


She's small like most girls around me, curves that remind me of those old 1950's pinup models that my grandpops loves. She's got a glow about her but not a bit of makeup on her and she just seems natural, normal like my cousins. But she's not related to me and I don't know her... yet. But I will.

"I'm Aiden... Bradford." I hold out my hand hoping she'll give me her name.

She looks down at my hand then back to my eyes. It takes a minute before she mutters a response. I don't catch it,  but it's like she already knows me by reputation. It's possible, I've gotten around the female population at this school and others nearby in the last three years. I know she's not one of my many one night stands. I would have remembered her. I hope I would anyway.

For a moment I think she's going to say something more but instead she just turns and walks away.

"That's a pretty sight." I mutter more to myself than anyone around me as I stare at her curvy rear end swaying just enough that I know she's not trying for attention. It's just as natural as the bounce of her curls. I'm stunned and just smirk as Harper comes up behind me.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" He punches my arm and gets my attention. I look at him and have to shake my head to get my brain to work again.

That's so weird, I've never been affected that way

Scanning the quad again as we walk, I locate the Gypsy that caught my eye. She moved fast for her size and was already a good distance away. Her eyes are darting around the courtyard. She seems nervous, scared even. Meeting my eyes she pauses, it's one of those long seconds, where it's like neither of us can look away. It's over as fast as it happened when she breaks the connection and looks off nervously where the red head disappeared. As if by talking to me put her in a spotlight. I know I tend to attract attention everywhere I go, but no one has ever been scared of it. It comes with being a Bradford. I've never had a girl avoid me because of it though.

Her eyes seem to zoom in on something and she tenses up. Turning around I see who it is. Sebastian Mattox, star baseball player and a royal pain in my ass. The guy is my main competition for the ladies around here and a total jerk.  He treats women like they're disposable. I go through a lot of women but I try to end it on friendly terms.

Sebastian looks in my direction and waves, like we're friends or something. We aren't friends, I barely know the guy. His dad played with Nate Segler, who runs a huge baseball club on the west coast and works with Uncle Matt. I know who the guy is and we run in the same circles, but that's it. I draw a line with getting friendly with the enemy.

I turn back to the girl only to see she's staring at him then me. Did that prick do something to her? I start to step back in her direction to get her attention and I'm taken completely off guard when I'm grabbed by my face and kissed. It was like being shoved into a hot tub and drowning unable to get out. All overwhelming, wet and sloppy. Not my preference for a kiss.

My body jolts with shock before I grabbed the culprit by the waist and set her aside. The redhead, of course. I don't like pushy girls. If I'm interested I'll make a move but I don't want to be assaulted on my way to class.

Harper and Landon come to my aid, dragging me off teasing me all the way. "Damn boy! Get a fucking room!"

What the hell was that?

"Bradford! You coming tonight?" Mattox is walking behind us grinning.

I look around and spot the curls still watching. The look of sheer panic on her face stops me from responding. Her brown eyes go wide, I can see the light in them making her eyes look gold, a bit catlike and gorgeous. Her smooth skin goes pale and suddenly she turns around and hurries off. Mattox's hand is on my shoulder and I'm stuck. I can't go after her.

The gypsy has gotten away

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