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Copyright © tiyashidas123

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Have you ever wondered what is life? Life is meant to be lived. Life means...being happy regardless of the pains. Life means going on.

But I pain I am experiencing is too much.

What would you do, if you one day wake up and realize that you are not what you thought you were?

What if one day you wake up and come to know that the parents who adored you, filled you with so much love and care are not actually yours?

What if one day you wake up and find out that he-that the person you love with all you have and so much more is just...

No, I cannot rethink these mournful things anymore.
Him. He have to answer me first.
He has all the answers I need. We both know that.

He is omniscient.
He is so beautiful, so handsome that he takes my breath away. Metaphorically speaking. Although I do not know what will happen if it happens literally, keeping in mind what I am.
He consumes everything. Like everything is he and he is everything. Like he is supreme and he is all. Like he is capable of anything. He is the center of my world. Nothing can be better than him. He is my everything. He is my existence. The love I feel for him is indescribable. It is so sacred. So pure. The feeling of peace and calm and excitement and love when I think about him, when I see him, when he is around me, is so overwhelming.

His presence completes me completely. I exist for him and he for me. We have been each other's since the start of the universe, since before time. We are more of each other's that we are of our own. We are one. We are inseparable.

We are love. Him and I.


Thank you all.
Tiya ♡

𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞Where stories live. Discover now