Chapter 28

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Copyright © tiyashidas123

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"Radha the garlands!"

"Radha can you find me Krishn?"

"Radha get ready!"

Oh my god.

"The garlands are there," I point towards the basket on the table.

"Thank you, go get ready," Ma says.

"Yes, let me look for Krishn for Aunt Yashoda, then I'll get ready" I tell her proceeding towards Krishn's bedchamber.

I slow my pace as I near his bedchamber. If he knows someone is approaching who knows what mischief he will plan to catch them off guard.

I shake my head and peek inside. There is no one in the area visible, but his flute is there on the bedside table. Meaning he must be somewhere inside too.

I enter looking around.

There he is sitting on a stool facing opposite.

Mm-hm, not so easy to find the great Krishn, off guard, hm?

I tiptoe, not to let him know about my presence, as I put up my duke with flowers in it, ready to rain them on him as soon as he catches on me approaching him.

Just as I am meagre inches away, I ready my hands to throw the flowers at him, but it happens so fast, one moment he is sitting, another he moves fast and catches one of my hands holding flowers and the other I put on him for balance. But still I slip my balance, stumbling over him.

Uh-huh, did I slip or did he pull me?

He pulled me.

Because next second he put his other hand on the dupatta on my back and pulls me more.

My heart.

"So, sneaking this?" He says, uncurling my hand keeping it above as the flowers rains in petals.

"A-aunt Yashoda is calling you Krishn" I tell him trying to untangle my hands.

"I do not hold just to let go Radha" Krishn says tightening his grip on me.

I glare at him as my heart stutters at a very fast pace.

"I need to get ready and then bring Revati for Revati and dau's engagement ceremony"

"Okay hurry and after bringing Revati meet me" he says

You make my heart race.


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And do say if you have any confusion.

Stay safe.

Thank you.
Tiya ♡

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