Part 4

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Another normal day in the classroom and nothing much is happening today except the practice of the play and discussion. Which means another dull day for me and repetitive.

I arrived at the school around 7:30 and did anything I want to do like drawing something in my notebook. I am happy that everything that I am going to. However,

"Good morning Franz!" greeted by Agatha and Evan to who just arrive here.

I greeted them with a cold and aloof voice as my silence was ruin to this. "Hello." It concerned me a bit because they might get angry with me, but instead, they laughed and trying to make me smile.

"Hey! Franz Joseph, are you okay? Just smile for a bit!" Evan tries to make me smile by pinching my cheeks and forming my lips to be a smile.

"It is morning Franz and you should smile a bit." The encouraging words of Agatha do not have any impact on me.

I would want to say this, "Does smiling is a sign of being happy and okay? As far as I know, the smile is just a sign that you are obligated to do even in reality you are not okay. You are wearing this expression to just tell the people that you are happy despite you are dying inside."

Instead, I decided to be mum and just allow them to tease me. I am not giving in because I do not see and sense to smile for them. I am not a spokesperson or somewhat.

We started in our first class at eight. As the bell rings loudly, my classmates went to their seats and become their "fake saintly selves". I would admit that I am sick and tired of them acting like saints but in fact, they are as noisy as the other two sections. The teachers call us to the quietest and obedient section, but we can be like the other sections.

Filipino Class, they just have the script reading to know already the right emotions they must convey. They also now have the practice of the position and other things. While I along with the other who was not given any characters to have a short meeting for the design of the stage. Of course, I am not going to speak!

I let Agatha and Evan do the talking. They both discussed the group about my plan to the stage. However, I saw that this group seems obedient, they are listening carefully and even suggesting something to improve my plan more, without being too ambitious and grand.

"Um... Franz, would you want to join us?" Agatha pled.

Because of the questions of my classmates, I decided to stand up and join them to justify everything that will happen in the play. I just realized that my isolation affected me as I plan this all by myself without the consultation of all of them and ended up being shock about what is happening. At the end of the time, we finally found a common ground for all of us and finally can start the practice tomorrow.

After the meeting, we took a break and Agatha again talked to me.

"Hey! I know that it might be hard for you to consult everyone about your plans for the play and often do this all by yourself. However, his is a group activity. I know that I sound that I am scolding you right now, but it is okay to speak up if you have planning something especially to this kind of activity. I am still thanking you for all the things you have done for us. This time let us help you."

It does sound like she is scolding me, but I guess she has a point as I left them out of the blue.

"I am sorry." I sincerely said.

"You rascal!" Agatha exclaimed and started pinching my cheeks and laughing a bit.

However, things turned upside as Frida and Fredrick ran to me. Appeared to be a bit exhausted after running back in the room probably from the canteen while holding their phones.

I Love you AgathaWhere stories live. Discover now